P. 358

Unit 14: Preparation of Final Accounts

          Additional Information:                                                               Notes
          1.   Depreciate plant by 15%
          2.   Write off   5,000 from Preliminary Expenses.
          3.   Half year’s Debenture Interest Due.

          4.   Create 5% Provision on Debtors for doubtful debts.
          5.   Provide for income tax @ 50%.
          6.   Stock on 31st March, 07 was   9,50,000.
          Prepare Final Accounts of the company.

                                       Profit  and Loss  Account
                                  for the  year ended  on 31   March,  07
                    Particulars                            Particulars
           To Stock                       7,50,000  By Sales                   41,50,000
           “ Purchases                   18,50,000  “ Stock                     950,000
           “ Wages                        9,79,800
           “ Preliminary Expenses           5,000
           “ General Expenses              68,350
           “ Salaries                     2,02,250
              Paid              1,80,000
               + due            1,80,000   3,60,000
           “ Bad debts                     21,100
           “ Provision for doubtful debts   8,500
           “ Depreciation on plant        4,95,000
           “ Provision for tax            180,000
           “ Profit & Loss Appropriation a/c
            (Net profit)                  1,80,000
                                         51,00,000                             51,00,000
                                 Profit  and  Loss  Appropriation  Account

                    Particulars                            Particulars
           To Interim Dividend            3,92,500  By Balance b/d              2,62,500
           “ Balance c/d                   50,000  “ Profit & Loss a/c          1,80,000
                                                  (Net profit)
                                          4,42,500                              4,42,500
                                           Balance  Sheet
                                          as on  31.3.2007
                    Liabilities                             Assets
           Share Capital                         Fixed Assets
           Called up Capital                     Goodwill                       2,50,000
                               40,00,000         Premises                      30,72,000
           Less calls in arrear   75,000   39,25,000  Plant           33,00,000
           Reserves & Surplus                    Less: Provision       4,95,000   28,05,000
           General Reserve                2,50,000  Current Assets, Loans and Advances   Contd...

           Profit & Loss a/c               50,000
           Secured Loans                         Current Assets:
                                           LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY                                   351
           12% Debentures      30,00,000         Stock                          9,50,000
           O/s Interest         1,80,000   31,80,000  Debtors          8,70,000
           Current liabilities and Provisions     Provision             43,500   8,26,500
                                                 Cash & Bank                    4,06,500
           Current Liabilities                   Miscellaneous Expenditure:
           Creditors                      4,00,000  Preliminary Expenses         45,000
           Bills Payable                  3,70,000
           Provision for tax              1,80,000
                                         83,55,000                             83,55,000
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