P. 52

Cost Accounting – I

                    Notes          The  last  but  most  important  stage  in  the  unit  costing  is  determining  the  selling  price  of  the
                                   commodities. The selling price of the commodities is fixed by way of adding both the cost of
                                   sales and profit margin out of the product sales.

                                                         Sales = Cost of Sales + Margin of Profit

                                   In the example continued, if we add the profit that can be earned to be ` 48,900. Calculate the
                                   product sales expected.
                                                 Sales = Cost of Sales + Margin of Profit
                                                     = 5,99,750 (from the previous example) + 48,900

                                                     = ` 6,48,650
                                   Under the unit costing, the selling price of the product can be determined through the statement

                                          Example: Calculate the prime cost, factory cost, cost of production cost of sales and profit
                                   form the following particulars:

                                                                 `                                     `
                                   Direct materials           2,00,000   Office stationery            1,000
                                   Direct wages                50,000    Telephone charges             250
                                   Direct expenses             10,000    postage and telegrams         500
                                   Wages of foreman             5,000    Salesmen’s’ salaries         2,500
                                   Electric power               1,000    Travelling expenses          1,000
                                   Lighting:  Factory           3,000    Repairs and renewal plant    7,000
                                           Office               1,000    Office premises              1,000
                                   Storekeeper’s wages          2,000    Carriage outward              750
                                   Oil and water                1,000    Transfer to reserves         1,000
                                   Rent:  Factory              10,000    Discount on shares written off  1,000
                                        Office                  5,000    Advertising                  2,500
                                   Depreciation plant           1,000    Warehouse charges            1,000
                                   Office                       2,500    Sales                      3,79,000
                                   Consumable store             5,000    Income tax                  20,000
                                   Managers’ salary            10,000    Dividend                     4,000
                                   Directors’ fees              2,500

                                                               Cost Statement/Cost Sheet
                                                    Particulars                      `                `
                                   Direct Materials                                2,00,000
                                   Direct wages                                     50,000
                                   Direct expenses                                  10,000
                                   Prime Cost                                                      2,60,000
                                   Factory Overheads:

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