P. 215

Quantitative Techniques-II

                      Notes         (iv)  In the second case,1 when the ranks are not given, when the actual data are given, we have
                                         to assign ranks. We may do so by taking highest value as 1 or the lowest value as 1. When
                                         the two observations are same, then the normal practice is to assign an average rank to the
                                         two observations.

                                    When the ranks are given:

                                           Example 6: The ranking of 10 students in two subjects A and B are as follows:
                                      Student               1    2     3    4    5    6     7    8     9    10
                                      Ranks in Subject A    4    6     1    3    9    7    10    2     8     5
                                      Ranks in Subject B    5    8     3    1    7    6     9    2    10     4
                                    Calculate coefficient of rank correlation and comment on the result

                                    In order to calculate rank correlation, we have to calculate d  and the following formula is used
                                                              6  d  2
                                                     r = 1 
                                                      s          2
                                                             N(N  1)
                                    The following table shows the calculations:

                                       Student No.    Ranks in    Ranks in Subject   Difference      Squared
                                                    Subject A (R1 )   B (R2)        ( R1 – R2) (d)   difference ( d )
                                           1             4             5               -1               1
                                           2             6             8               -2               4
                                           3             1             3               -2               4
                                           4             3             1                2               4
                                           5             9             7                2               4
                                           6             7             6                1               1
                                           7            10             9                1               1
                                           8             2             2                0               0
                                           9             8             10              -2               4
                                           10            5             4                1               1

                                                                                                     d  = 24

                                                              6  d  2
                                                     r = 1 
                                                      s          2
                                                             N(N  1)
                                                               6 x 24 
                                                     r = 1 
                                                      s       (10   1)
                                                     r = 1          = 0.855
                                                      s        
                                                              10 99
                                    The rank correlation coefficient (0.855) shows that there is a very high degree of correlation
                                    between ranks obtained in subject A and Subject B of the ten students.

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