P. 185

Unit 9: Capital Budgeting

            Backward Area:                                                                        Notes

                  Profit               Profit          Cash
                  before               after          inflow   Cash   Net   PV   Discount
             Year       Depre.  Interest     Tax  PAT                cash
                  Int.&               Depre.          = PAT+  outflow     Factor   PV
                  Depre.               & Int          Depre         flow
              0                                                  85   –85*   1.0     –85
              1      –50    30     20   –100      –100   –70          –70    .87   – 60.9
              2      –20    30     20    –70       –70   –40          –40    .76   –30.4
              3       10    30     20    –40       –40   –10          –10    .66    –6.6
              4       20    30     20    –30       –30           50   –50    .57   –28.5
              5       45    30     15                     30     50   –20    .50   –10.0
              6      100    30     10     60       60     90     50    40    .43    17.2
              7      155    30      5    120       120   150     50   100    .38     38
              8      190    30           160   40   120   150         150    .33    49.5
              9      230    30           200   80   120   150         150    .28    42.0
              10     330    30           300  120   180   210         210    .25    52.5
            * After adjusting cash subsidy of   15 lakhs received from the Central Government.

            In the year 6 and 7, since the profits earned during the years were less than loss carried forward
            there was no tax liability.
            In the year 8, profits of   160 lakhs were adjusted against loss c/f i.e. 100 + 70 + 40 + 30 – 60 – 120
            i.e. 60  balance profit  of   100 lakhs out of which  20% was  tax free and  the remaining  80%
              80 lakhs was subject to tax @ 50% of   40 lakhs.
            In the years 9 and 10, profits to the extent of 20% were tax free, balance 80% subject to tax of 50%,
            hence tax during the years were 200 × 0.8 × 0.5 i.e.,   80 lakhs and 300 × 0.8 × 5 i.e.,   120 lakhs
            Decision: The net present value of the project in the Forward Area is   100.2 lakhs whereas it is
            negative to the extent of   22.2 lakhs in the Backward Area. Therefore, proper location of the
            project is the Forward Area.
            Illustration 6:
            TSL Ltd. a highly profitable and tax paying company is planning to expand its present capacity
            by 100%. The estimated cost of the project is   1,000 lakhs out of which   500 lakhs is to be met out
            of loan funds. The company has received two offers from their bankers:
                                           Option  1                   Option  2

             Values of  loan      500  lakhs                 US $ 14 lakhs equal to  500 lakhs
             Interest            15% payable  yearly         6% payable (fixed) yearly in US $
             Period              5  years                    5  years
             Repayment           In 5  installments, First installment  same as Option 1
                                 is payable 1 year after draw down?
             Other expenses  (Average)  1 % of the value of the loan  1 % of USA =   36 (Average)
             Future exchange     -                           End of 1 year USA =   8 thereafter
             rate                                            to increase by   2 per annum.
            The company is liable to pay Income tax at 35% and eligible for 25% depreciation of W.D. value.
            You may assume that at the end of the 5th year, the company will be able to claim balance in

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