P. 188

Financial Management

                      Notes         Given cumulative present value of Re. 1 p.a. @ 10% for 5 years   3,791 and for 10 years   6,145

                                    Repairing existing machine                                  9,500

                                    Cost of repairs is 19,000 net of tax
                                    Equivalent annual cost for 5 years                    9,500 ÷ 3.791  =   2506
                                    Annual Running & Maint. cost for 10 years                              10000

                                      20,000 net of tax
                                    Total annual cost                                                      12506

                                    Buying new machinery
                                    Purchase cost                                              49000
                                    Less: realization from old machine                          5000

                                    Annual equivalent cost for 10 years                   44000/6145        7160
                                    Running & Maint. cost per machine                  14000/net of tax     7000

                                    Tax benefit of depreciation p.a.                    49000/10/× 50      (2450)
                                    Total annual cost                                                      11710
                                    Difference in annual cost in buying                                       796

                                    Since annual cost of buying is less than that of repairing, one should go for buying option.
                                    Second solution:
                                    1.   To repair existing machine.

                                         Cost of repair immediately net of tax. (  19,000 × 50%)            9,500
                                         Running & Maint. Cost of 5 years (  20,000 × 3.791)               37,910
                                         Total net present value of after tax cash outflows for 5 years.   47,410

                                         Hence net equivalent cash outflows p.a. 47,410/3.791              12,506
                                    2.   To buy new machine

                                         Purchase cost of new machine                             49,000
                                         Less: Sale proceeds of old machine                         5,000  44,000
                                         Tax benefit on depreciation p.a. ( 49000/10×50%)         (2,450)

                                         Running & Maint. Cost p.a. (50% of 14000)                  7,000
                                         Net cash outflow for 10 years (  4550×6.145)              4,550   27,960

                                         Net cash outflows for 10 years.                                   71,960
                                         Hence net equivalent cash outflows p.a.             71,960/6.145   11,710
                                    Since, net equivalent cash outflow p.a. for buying a new machine   11,710 is less than net
                                    equivalent outflows of   12,506 for repairing of an existing machine. Therefore, it is advisable
                                    that the company should go for buying a new machine.

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