P. 186

Financial Management

                      Notes         WDV for tax purposes. The company follows Accounting Standard AS - 11 for accounting changes
                                    in Foreign Exchange Rate.
                                    1.   Compare the total outflow of cash under the above options.

                                    2.   Using discounted cash flow technique, evaluate the above offers.
                                    3.   Is there any risk, which the company should take care of?
                                    4.   In case TSL has large volume of exports would your advice be different.

                                    The following discounting table may be adopted:
                                      Years                    0       1        2        3        4        5
                                      Discounting factor       1      .921     .848     .781     .720     .663

                                    Option I: Loan in Rupees:
                                      Year   Repayment   Interest   Other   Tax       Net    Discount   Present
                                             of Principal   @ 15%   expenses   savings   outflow   factor   value
                                      0                             5      1.75      3.25        1        3.25
                                      1         100      75               26.25     148.75    0.921       137
                                      2         100      60                 21        139     0.848    117.872
                                      3         100      45               15.75     129.25    0.781    100.944
                                      4         100      30                10.5     119.5     0.720     86.040
                                      5         100      15                5.25     109.75    0.663     72.764
                                                500      225        5      80.5     649.5               517.87

                                    Option II: As per AS 11, the foreign exchange difference arising out of loan repayment in
                                    foreign currency is to be capitalized. Similarly, the outstanding loan balances at each year-end
                                    have to be converted at foreign exchange rate prevailing at the end of the year and the difference
                                    has to be capitalized.
                                    Option III: Foreign Currency Loan

                                                  Repay.   Interest   Other   Total   Repay.     Other    Total
                                      Exch.         of                              of     Int.
                                            Year           @ 6%   charges   amount              charges   payments
                                      Rate       Principal                       Principal
                                                           (US $ in Lakhs.)                  (  Lakhs)
                                       36    0                      0.140   0.140                  5.04     5.04
                                       38    1     2.8      0.840          3.640    106.4   31.92          138.32
                                       40    2     2.8      0.672          3.472     112   26.88           138.88
                                       42    3     2.8      0.504          3.304    117.6   21.168        138.768
                                       44    4     2.8      0.336          3.136    123.2   14.784        137.984
                                       46    5     2.8      0.168          2.968    128.8   7.728         136.528
                                                    14      2.520   0.140   16.660   588   102.48   5.04   695.52

                                    Tax saving on additional depreciation on fixed assets on account of increase in loan amount at
                                    the year-end due to foreign exchange fluctuation and repayment of loan.

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