P. 187

Unit 9: Capital Budgeting

                    Loan    Increase in                                Tax
                   amount   loan due to   Opening        Depreciation   savings   Closing
             Year    o/s      foreign   WDV on   TOTAL     25% on       on     WDV on
                   in US $   exchange   addition         additions (5)   additions   additions.
                    Lakhs   fluctuations.                             @ 35%
              (1)    (2)       (3)        (4)   (5 =3 + 4)   25% on (6)   (7)   (8 = 5-6)
              1       14       32                 32         8         2.8       24
              2      11.2      22.4      24       46.4      11.6       4.06      34.8
              3       8.4      16.8      34.8     51.6      12.9       4.515     38.7
              4       5.6      11.2      38.7     49.9      12.475     4.366     37.425
              5       2.8       5.6      37.425   43.025    43.025*    15.059

            * Assumed that full benefit will be claimed for tax purposes.
                     Amt of    saving
                     interest   of Int.   Tax savings   Total   Net cash   Discount   Present
              Year                      on Addl.
                     and other   and               payments   outflow   factor   value
                     charges   other   Depreciation
               0       5.040   1.764                 5.04       3.276    1        3.276
               1       31.92   11.172     2.8       138.32    124.348    .921    114.525
               2       26.88   9.408      4.06      138.88    125.412    .848    106.349
               3       21.168   7.408     4.515     138.768   126.845    .781    99.066
               4       14.784   5.174     4.366     137.984   128.444    .720    92.480
               5       7.728   2.704     15.059     136.528   118.765    .663    78.741
                              37.630     30.800     695.52    727.090            494.437

            1.   The absolute and discounted value of Option II seems to be better than Option I. However,
                 the company has to be careful about future exchange rate, since the indicated rates are
                 more by rule of a thumb rather than based on any specific approach. The company should
                 cover possible foreign exchange fluctuations in future and then work out the value.

            2.   In case the company has good volume of exports, then it may help the company to help in
                 future payments. In that case, the company may take a lenient view of covering foreign
                 exchange risk.
            Illustration 7:
            S Engineering Company is considering replacing or repairing a particular machine, which has
            just broken down. Last year, this machine costed   20,000 to run and maintain. These costs have
            been increasing in real terms in recent years with the age of the machine. A further useful life of
            5 years is expected, if immediate repairs of   19,000 are carried out. If the machine is not repaired
            it can be sold immediately to realize actual   5,000 (ignore loss/gain on such disposal).
            Alternatively, the company can buy a new machine for   49,000 with an expected life of 10 years
            with no salvage value after providing depreciation on straight-line basis. In this case, running
            and maintenance costs will reduce to   14,000 each year and are not expected to increase much in
            real terms for a few years at least.
            S Engineering Company regards an annual return of 10% p.a. after tax as a minimum requirement
            on any new investment. Considering the Capital Budgeting technique, which alternative will
            you choose? Take corporate tax rate of 50% and assume that depreciation on straight-line basis
            will be accepted for tax purposes also.

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