P. 40

Unit 2: Price Level Accounting

                 Example: KSBS Ltd. had the following fixed assets on 31-12-2008:

                   Assets              Cost  (`)         Depreciation (`)    Net (`)
            Land                           30,000                            30,000
            Building                       80,000                24,000      56,000
            Plant                         2,60,000               96,000     1,64,000
                                          3,70,000              1,20,000    2,50,000

          Plant includes `60,000 installed on 1-1-2008, depreciation was charged at 5% on building, 10% on
          plant according to straight line method. The replacement cost indices are as follows:

                 Assets        On the date of Acquisition   As on 1-1-2008   As on 31-12-2008
            Land                        100                250             300
            Building                    100                200             220
            Plant                       100                180             225

          You are required to show how the balance sheet items will be affected by the changes according
          to CCA method.

          Two items of the balance sheet, which will be affected under the CCA System are Fixed Assets
          and Current Cost Accounting Reserve.
          (i)  Fixed Assets:

                Assets           Current Cost (`)   Depreciation on Current Cost (`)  Net  (`)
                Land                      90,000                         —      90,000
                Building                 1,76,000                      52,800  1,23,200
                Plant & Machinery        5,25,000                    2,10,000   3,15,000
                                         7,91,000                    2,62,000  5,28,200

          (ii)  Current Cost Accounting Reserve:
                                   Particulars                            `
                Increase in the cost fixed assets (7,91,000-3,70,000)          4,21,000
                Less: Increase in depreciation (2,62,800-1,20,000)             1,42,800
                Add: Depreciation Adjustment [Working Note]                     25,650

          Working Notes:
            (a)   Computation of Current Costs:
                 Land: 30,000 × 300/100                                         90,000
                 Building: 80,000 × 220/100                                    1,76,000
                 Plant: as on 1-1-2008: 2,00,000 × 225/100         4,50,000
                 Addition during the year. 60,000 × 225/180         75,000     5,25,000

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