P. 12

Unit 1: Introduction to Working Capital Management

          1.3 Factors Affecting Working Capital Requirements                                    Notes

          The working capital requirement of a concern depends upon a large numbers of factors such as
          nature and size of business, the character of their operations, the length of production cycles, the
          rate of stock turnover and the state of economic situation. It is not possible to rank them because
          all such factors of different importance and the influence of individual factors changes for a firm
          overtime. However the following are important factors generally influencing the working
          capital requirement:

          1.   Nature or Character of Business: The working capital requirement of a firm basically
               depends upon the nature of this business. Public utility undertakings like electricity water
               supply and railways need very limited working capital because they offer cash sales only
               and supply services, not products and as such no funds are tied up in inventories and
               receivables. Generally speaking it may be said that public utility undertakings require
               small amount of working capital, trading and financial firms require relatively very large
               amount, whereas manufacturing undertakings require sizable working capital between
               these two extremes.

          2.   Size of Business/Scale of Operations: The working capital requirement of a concern is
               directly influenced by the size of its business which may be measured in terms of scale of

          3.   Production Policy: In certain industries the demand is subject to wide fluctuations due to
               seasonal variations. The requirements of working capital in such cases depend upon the
               production policy.
          4.   Manufacturing Process/Length of Production Cycle: In manufacturing business the
               requirement of working capital increases in direct proportion of length of manufacturing
               process. Longer the process period of manufacture, larger is the amount of working capital

          5.   Seasonal Variation: In certain industries raw material is not available through out the
               year. They have to buy raw materials in bulk during the season to ensure and uninterrupted
               flow and process them during the entire year.
          6.   Rate of Stock Turnover: There is a high degree of inverse co-relationship between the
               quantum of working capital; and the velocity or speed with which the sales are affected.
               A firm having a high rate of stock turnover will need lower amount of working capital as
               compared to affirm, having a low rate of turnover.

          7.   Credit Policy: The credit policy of a concern in its dealing with debtors and creditors
               influence considerably the requirement of working capital. A concern that purchases its
               requirement on credit and sell its products/services on cash require lesser amount of
               working capital.

          8.   Business Cycle: Business cycle refers to alternate expansion and contraction in general
               business activity. In a period of boom i.e., when the business is prosperous, there is a need
               of larger amount of working capital due to increase in sales, rise in prices, optimistic
               expansion of business contracts sales decline, difficulties are faced in collection from
               debtors and firms may have a large amount of working capital lying idle.
          9.   Rate of Growth of Business: The working capital requirement of a concern increase with
               the growth and expansion of its business activities. Although it is difficulties to determine
               the relationship between the growth in the volume of business and the growth in the
               working capital of a business, yet it may be concluded that of normal rate of expansion in
               the volume of business, we may have retained profits to provide for more working capital
               but in fast growth in concern, we shall require larger amount of working capital.

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