P. 202

Unit 9: Staffing

          Objectives                                                                            Notes

          After studying this unit, you should be able to:
               Know the meaning of term staffing
               Discuss the need of staffing in event management
               Identify the constituents of efficient staffing
               Explain the concept of staffing in event management
               Describe the top tips for intelligent staffing procedure


          As you embark on planning your event, think of its ending. What will your guests remember
          most? The gratitude in the face of your honoree? The information gathered from your powerful
          presentation? The humor peppering every speech?
          Now, imagine you’re exchanging “thank you’s” with departing guests. As they file by, each
          smiling face is a reminder of the success of your efforts, and of the wise choice you made in
          selecting particular organization for your service staff and/or event management firm. In addition
          to offering personalized service that includes on-site representation and phone communication

             Did u know? Event companies offer services that include upcoming events, invoicing, new
             event order forms, etc.

          9.1 Staffing for an Event

          Staffing for an event is as diverse as the event itself. Adequate staffing depends on the number
          of guests anticipated to attend the event, and are employed to handle the multiple tasks that
          under-gird a successful event.

                 Example: Event management companies bring our their team on-site and off-site to staff
          every aspect of considered event.
          An experienced Program Manager oversees his team, ensuring every detail is carried out
          smoothly and successfully.
          Staffing encompasses individuals such as servers, coat checkers, drivers, special needs assistants,
          valet parking attendants, customer information agents, and ticket-takers. . It sets a precedent for
          your subsequent events, particularly events like annual fundraisers; It increases your
          organization’s visibility; It sharpens your polished, professional image; and it can be a gateway
          to valuable and enduring relationships with individuals, corporations, and donors which are
          important to any business.

             Caution  A properly managed event can mean so much more than a memorable gathering.
          Experience is the key to “an event management organisation’s,” versatility. Decades of collective
          experience in handling events of every kind include:
               Product Launches

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