P. 242
Unit 10: Leadership
Questions: Notes
1. Study and analyze the case.
2. Write down the case facts.
10.7 Summary
Event Leadership process is the conceptual framework for every effective event.
The Event Leadership process is dynamic and selective, in that the Event Leader must
determine where to begin and how to proceed to best accomplish the objectives.
One event may be past the research stage, and the Event Leader may be retained merely to
coordinate the elements.
It does not matter whether this communication is oral, written, electronic, or all three.
Regardless of the communication channel that you are using, you want to make sure that
you make your point clearly and establish the right priorities in your message.
Event Leaders primarily use quantitative research to determine demographic information
such as gender, age, income, and other pertinent facts about the future market for an event.
Quantitative research is relatively inexpensive to conduct and easy to tabulate and analyze
with computers.
Qualitative research is generally more expensive than quantitative research due to the
time that is involved in probing for deeper, more meaningful answers than only digits.
The cost of training interviewers, the interviewers’ time, the time for analyzing the data,
and other costs contribute to this investment.
Although the cost is greater, many Event Leaders require both qualitative and quantitative
studies to validate their assumptions or research their markets.
According to Event Project Management (Wiley, 2002), there are several reasons why
project management offers you unique resources for improving your practice.
Using a project management system will help you establish a systematic approach to all
Like the five phases of Event Leadership, the project management system provides you
with a superstructure to enable you to systematically approach every event using the
same framework.
Many events—especially those in the social market—are driven by emotional decisions
rather than systematic or logical approaches.
The project management system will depersonalize the event as it provides you with an
objective process for reviewing the event development.
10.8 Keywords
Event Leadership: It is a profession whose success or failure ratio often depends on people’s
ability to communicate effectively with one another.
Event Leaders: Event Leaders primarily use quantitative research to determine demographic
Research: Excellent event research reduces risk.