P. 258
Unit 11: Operations, Logistics, Safety and Security Management
There are police services arranged at limited or no cost for community events. Security Notes
guards are arranged depending on the size of the crowd.
Emergency reporting, if done by all members in the team at the moment of emergency,
can keep the audience aware and controlled.
An individual with the aptitude for the above and interest in the field would make a
successful event manager.
It does not matter what maybe the types of event management, one needs to be adept in
the above skills.
Professional event management service entails optimum communication skills, as well as
ability to look into the minutest details of things in order to ensure optimum level of
Any risks associated with events must be identified and ways of eliminating or managing
them arranged prior to the event, including the set-up, the event itself and clean-up.
The event organiser needs to prepare and provide the Manager, Campus Services.
When setting up the venue, equipment and fixtures should not impinge on emergency
access, block fire-fighting equipment or obscure any emergency procedure signage.
11.7 Keywords
The operational management: It required for successful events, including the logistics of setting
up an event and breaking it down afterwards.
An event manager: An event manager needs to plan the implementation of events with attention
to every detail, to avoid even minor mistakes which could have serious repercussions, such as
the delayed radio or television broadcasts of an event.
Professional event management service: It entails optimum communication skills, as well as
ability to look into the minutest details of things in order to ensure optimum level of execution.
Emergency reporting: Emergency reporting, if done by all members in the team at the moment
of emergency, can keep the audience aware and controlled.
The event organizer: He needs to prepare and provide the Manager, Campus Services.
11.8 Review Questions
1. What is operation management?
2. What is logistics management?
3. What is safety means?
4. What is security means?
5. What is event crisis management?
6. What are the different types of crisis do you observed in event management?
7. “Crisis come in all shapes and sizes”. Discuss.
8. What are safety and security considerations?
9. What are the various safety issues?
10. Discuss various security issues.