P. 153
Training and Development System
Notes 9.2.3 Effective Questioning Skills
Questioning skills is one of the major training delivery competency. Asking questions is key to
success in your role as an instructor in training.
The art of questioning has enjoyed a venerable history in western civilisation. Socrates, one of
the most famous teachers of all time, never lectured his students at all. Socrates did nothing
more than keep asking questions that were directed to his students with skill and panache.
Questions serve various purposes in training, and they are important for each purpose that they
serve. One purpose is to encourage active participation and involvement among learners. A
quick way to turn a boring lecture into an exciting discussion is to stop telling and start asking.
There are numerous types of questions at your disposal as an instructor in a training session
which are summarized in Figure below.
Figure 9.1: Types of Questions: Characteristics and Uses
Types Characteristics Uses
Open Open questions require Open questions enable trainers to gauge the level
respondents to elaborate with of understanding among the learners. They also
a narrative response. encourage involvement and participation.
Closed Closed questions are typically Closed questions can be used to drive a point
answered with a “yes” or home, gauge opinions among learners, introduce
“no” response. topics, or change topics.
Overhead Overhead questions are Overhead questions can be used by the trainer to a
towards an individual particular topic and encourage participation. They
learner. group. They are often can also be used to avoid embarrassing a learner
rhetorical. who gives an incorrect response.
Direct Direct questions are directed Direct questions can be used by the trainer to
towards an individual gauge the under- standing of an individual learner.
learner. They can also be used to gain learner attention or
involve a non-participative learner. One danger
with direct questions is that they may cause
embarrassment by putting a learner on the spot.
Reversed Reversed questions are Reversed questions clarify learner questions so that
statements rather than they hear and understand the question.
questions. These statements Additionally, they help to ensure that the trainer is
paraphrase questions asked answering the correct question.
by learners to ensure that the
question is presented very
Redirected A redirected question is a Redirected questions can encourage involvement
technique used by trainers to and reflection as well as create ownership of
redirect a question to the problems by shifting the responsibility of
group instead of answering knowledge transfer from the trainer to the learners.
it. Also useful when the trainer is unsure of the
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
4. Communication is not a one-way street but is a ………..…. process involving two or more
people who interact dynamically.
5. Presentation skills add excitement, variety and ………….... to training delivery.
6. Prop is any physical object used for ………………… during training.