P. 52

Unit 4: Leadership for TQM


             Note There must be a balance between preventing problems and developing better, but
            no perfect, processes.

               They encourage collaboration rather than competition. When functional areas,
               departments, or work groups are in competition, they may find subtle ways of working
               against each other or withholding information. Instead, there must be collaboration among
               and within units.

               They train and coach, rather than direct and supervise. Leaders know that the development
               of the human resource is a necessity. As coaches, they help their subordinates learn to do
               a better job.
               They learn from problems. When a problem exists, it is treated as an opportunity rather
               than something to be minimized or covered up. “What caused it?” and “How can we
               prevent it in the future?” are the questions quality leaders ask.
               They continually try to improve communications. Leaders continually disseminate
               information about the TQM effort. They make it evident that TQM is not just a slogan.
               Communication is two ways—ideas will be generated by people when leaders encourage
               them and act upon them. Communication is the glue that holds a TQM organization

                 Example: On the eve of Desert Storm, General Colin Powell solicited enlisted men and
          women for advice on winning the war.

               They continually demonstrate their commitment to quality. Leaders walk their talk—
               their actions, rather than their words, communicate their level of commitment. They let
               the quality statements be their decision-making guide.
               They choose suppliers on the basis of quality, not price. Suppliers are encouraged to
               participate on project teams and become involved. Leaders know that quality begins with
               quality materials and the true measure is the life-cycle cost.
               They establish organizational systems to support the quality effort. At the senior
               management level a quality council is provided, and at the first-line supervisor level,
               work groups and project teams are organized to improve the process.
               They encourage and recognize team effort. They encourage, provide recognition, and
               reward individuals and teams. Leaders know that people like to know that their
               contributions are appreciated and important. This action is one of the leader’s most powerful

          Self Assessment

          Fill in the blanks:
          3.   Leaders have trust and confidence in the performance of their …………………….
          4.   …………………… continually disseminate information about the TQM effort.

          4.3 Role of TQM Leaders

          Everyone is responsible for quality, especially senior management and the CEO; however, only
          the latter can provide the leadership system to achieve results. For instance, in the 1980’s,

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