P. 271

Microeconomic Theory

                   Notes       13.21  Review Questions

                                 1.   What is monopoly? Explain it.
                                 2.   What do you mean by total income and the view of total cost?
                                 3.  What is meant by marginal revenue and marginal cost view?
                                 4.  Describe the necessary conditions of prices discrimination?

                               Answers: Self Assessment
                                 1.  Price        2.  Monopolian          3.  Below         4.  Seller
                                 5.  (a)          6.  (b)                 7.  (d)           8.  (a)
                                 9.  True        10.  False              11.  True         12.  False

                               13.22  Further Readings

                                          1.  Microeconomics—Frank Cowbell, Oxford University Press, 2007.
                                          2.  Microeconomics—Shipra Mukhopadhyay, Annie Books, 2011.
                                          3.  Microeconomics: An advanced Treatise—S.P.S Chauhan, PHI learning.

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