P. 8
smStI ArQSwsqr dy isDWq
È؇ deals with the functioning of the economy as a whole.– Shapiro)
J ekly gwrfnr dy sbdW ivc “smStI ArQ-vXvsQw dw sNbND eyhO jhy crW nwl hY ijvy ArQ vXvsQw
ivc aqpwd dI pUrI mwqrw, iesdy sNswDnw dw iks sImw qIkr apXOg ikqw jwdw hY, rwstrIX AwX
dw Awkwr Aqy swmwnX kImq pDr[”(Macroeconomics concerns with such variables as the
aggregate volume of the output of an economy, with the extent to which its resources
are employed, with the size of national income and with the general price level.”– Ackley
J eym. eyc spynsr dy sbdW iv`c, “smStI ArQ-SwSqr dw sNbND pury ArQ-vXvsQw Aqy asdy vfy-
vfy SyqrW ivc hY[ iesdy ivc Aho ijhI smisAwvW dw ADXwn ikqw jWdw hY, ijvy byrojgwrI dw pDr,
mudrw siPiq dI dr, rwStr dw swrw aqpwd Aqy hor ivSw, ijsdw purI ArQ-ivXvsQw leI mhqv
hY[” (Macroeconomics is concerned with the economy as a whole or large segments of
it. In macroeconomics attention is focused on such problems as the level of unemploy-
ment, the rate of inflation, the nation’s total output and other matters of economywide
significance.” – M.H. Spencer)
iek jrUrI swvDwnI (A Necessary Caution)
Aksr eh ikhw jwdw hY ik smStI ArQ-SwSqr (Aggregates) swrAw dw AwDXn hY n ik “vXkqIgq
iekwieAW” (Individual units) dw, ijsdw ADXn isrP vXiSq ArQ-SwSqr c hI ikqw jw skdw hY[ pr
ieh AMqr AspSt hYY[ies AMqr ƒ smJx dy leI swvDwnI dI lox hY[Qwly ies sNbND ivc idqIAw gwieAw
do glW bhuq jrUrI hY-
(i) smStI ArQSwsqr smuicAW dw AiDAn hY Aqy auh kyvl smUcI ArQ-ivvsQw dy p~Dr qy[ Aq:
jdoN AsIM smStI ArQivvsQw dI mMg dw alyK krdy hW qW swfw Bwv smgr mMg (Aggregate
Demand) qoN huMdw hY [ ijsdw inXq ArQ smsq vsqvW Aqy syvwvW dI smucI ArQ-ivvsQw dy
swry KyqrW duAwrw kIqI geI mMg qoN hY, (ijvyN swry pirvwrW, swry PrmW Aqy srkwr dI mMg) [
(ii) iedy ivc koeI sNdyh nw hY kI vXStI ArQSwsqr ivc vXkiqgq iekeIAW dw ADXwn ikqw jwdw
hY pr iesdw mqlb ieh nhI kI ies ivc vXkiqgq iekeIAw qO sMbNiDq smuco dw ADXwn nhI
ikqw jwdw[
È؇√ vXist Aqy smStI dovy ArQSwsqr c mMg/pUrqI dw jOV ikqw jwdw hY[mgr ivAstI
ArQSwsqr ivc smucX iksy iek vsqu jW bwzwr ( ijvy, ikrkyt dI gydW dw bwzwr)
qk hI sIimq hudw , jdik smStI ArQSwsqr ivc an srIAw vsquAW qy syvwvW dw
joV ikqw jwdw hY ijnwƒ iek ArQSwsqr pYdw krdI hY, cwhy ieh ikrkyt dI gyd ho
jW murigAW jW cUjy[
ivAstI ArQ-SwSqr ivc jd AwsI ArQSwsqr dI pwT pusqkW (Text Books) dI mMg Aqy pUrqI dy sMbND
dI gl krdy hW ado swfw mqlb hagw ArQSwsqr dy pwTX dy bwzwr nwl hudw hY, Pyr vI ies ivc kul mMg
Aqy kul purqI swiml huNdI hY Bwvy ieh swrI mMg auh swry ividAwriQAW dI hMudI hY jO isrP ArQSwsqr dI
pwTX pusqkW KrIdqy hn Aqy kul 5@rqI vI an swirAw PrmW dI h@NdI hn ijhVy mwqr ArQSwsqr dI pwT
p@sqk bycdy hY[
ivAStI ArQSwsqr Aqy smStI ArQSwsqr ivc AMqr dy Kws ibMdu
(Salient Points on the Difference between Microeconomics and Macroeconomics)
1. smucX dI mqrw (Degree of Aggregation)- ivAstI ArQSwsqr Aqy smStI ArQSwsqr dy Aw-
riQk q`qW dy smucy dI mwqrw iv`c AMqr pwieAw jwNdw hY[ivAStI ArQSwsqr aun AwrQk smsXwvW