P. 160

Statistical Methods in Economics

                   Notes                      The only difference is that of the symbols. Since in this question we were given
                                              series X  and X  we changed the symbols in the formula accordingly.
                                  Calculation of Correlation Coefficient when Change of Scale and Origin is
                                  Since r is a pure number, shifting the origin and changing the scale of series do not affect its value.
                                  Example 5:  Find the coefficient of correlation from the following data:

                                      X :       300    350     400    450    500    550     600    650     700

                                      Y :       800    900    1000   1200    1300   1400   1500    1600
                                  Solution:   In order to simplify calculations, let us divide each value of the variable X by 50 and
                                              each value of variable Y by 100.
                                                   CALCULATION OF CORRELATION COEFFICIENT

                                              X                                 Y
                                      X             ( X– X 1 )  x 2     Y             (  Y– Y 1  ) 1  y 2  xy
                                              50                                100
                                              X 1   X  = 10                     Y 1    Y  = 12
                                                       x                                 y
                                     300       6      – 4      16       800      8      – 4       16      16
                                     350       7      – 3       9       900      9      – 3        9       9
                                     400       8      – 2       4     1,000     10      – 2        4       4
                                     450       9      – 1       1     1,100     11      – 1        1       1
                                     500      10       0        0     1,200     12        0        0       0
                                     550      11      + 1       1     1,300     13      + 1        1       1
                                     600      12      + 2       4     1,400     14      + 2        4       4
                                     650      13      + 3       9     1,500     15      + 3        9       9
                                     700      14      + 4      16     1,600     16      + 4       16      16
                                           ∑X = 90   ∑x = 0  ∑x 2  = 60      ∑Y = 108 ∑y = 0   ∑y = 60 ∑xy = 60
                                                               r =
                                                                   ∑  2  ×x  ∑  y 2

                                                           ∑xy = 60, ∑x  = 60, ∑y  = 60
                                                                    60     60
                                                               r =        =   = 1.
                                                                   60 × 60  60
                                  When Deviations are taken from an Assumed Mean

                                  When actual means are in fractions, say the actual means of X and Y series are 20.167 and 29.23, the
                                  calculation of correlation by the method discussed above would involve too many calculations and
                                  would take a lot of time. In such cases we make use of the assumed mean method for finding out
                                  correlation. When deviations are taken from an assumed mean the following formula is applicable:

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