P. 225
Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University Unit–27: Branching Programming
Unit–27: Branching Programming
27.1 Frames Arrangement in Branching Programming
27.2 Characteristics of Branching Programming
27.3 Limitations of Branching Programming
27.4 Summary
27.5 Keywords
27.6 Review Questions
27.7 Further Readings
After studying this unit, students will be able to:
• Learn branched system of frames to learn programming.
• Know the characteristics of disciplinary programming.
• Understand the limitations of programming.
Mr. Naurman was the exponent of disciplinary programming. Crowder said, “The programming
content is a technical submission. There are several principles of effective teaching is used. All
schduled activities are controlled by the student so it is also called internal programming.
27.1 Frames Arrangement in Branching Programming
Disciplinary programming or in one or two paragraphs on the page is a frame. It is much larger
than the linear programming. Students seriatim go through all the frames. After the frame, the
corresponding multi-(text to come Nirvcniyn) objective is to answer questions. One of the responses
has to choose the correct answer. If the answer is correct, then it proceeds but the answer is not
correct, then it is given remedial instruction. The specifically designed for therapeutic or her original
part series is directed towards and later again come to the office and are asked to answer. This action,
which lasts as long as the student does not give the right answer. The only correct answer to moving
on to the next step only to get called.
29/07/13 10:22 PM
Educational Technology 219 29/07/13 10:22 PM
Educational Technology 219