P. 233

Unit-28: Mathetics Programming

                   9. Reaction          1.   Recall or recognition of   1.   Response is not rigidly   1. Structured responses.
                                         structured feedback..  structured.     2.   Responses determined by
                                        2.   These reactions are   2.   Responses are selected   the programmer.
                                         controlled by the    by learners, not by
                                         programmer and not by   programmers.

                   10. Strengthening    1.   Strengthening and   1.  Strengthening responses   1.  Strengthening of
                                         provides immediate   confirm the offer.   completion of work

                                         confirmation of correct   2.  Incorrect responses   provides.
                                         responses.           that help learners in the   2.   Incorrect responses are
                                        2.   Incorrect responses are   diagnosis of osteoporosis.  ignored.
                                         ignored.           3.   Diagnosis is based on the
                                                              measure of weakness.
                   11. Mistakes         Hinder in learning.  Learning helps in the   No discrimination but also
                                                            diagnosis of osteoporosis.  helps in learning.

                   12. Error rate       Less than ten percent of   More than twenty percent   Low error rate is acceptable.
                                        the benchmark program is   error rate can be accepted.
                                        acceptable, but it is not far.

                   13. Individual Differences  Only to work at their own   Choose their own path   Learners to work at their own
                                        pace. For example, the   according to their needs and  pace, but not requirements.
                                        time factor for individual   expectations.

                   14. As Programme     1.  Traditional manual.  1. Skremveld manual.  1. Traditional manual.
                                        2.  Contains instructions   2.  Initially insert   2.   Is inserted at the
                                         regarding the use of the   instructions.  beginning.
                                         programme.         3.   Back Content was   3.   Material is presented in
                                        3.   Introduction of the subject   submitted or pages.  small units.
                                         material.          4.   This is not a back   4.   The units are arranged in
                                        4.   Presentation of smaller   sequence.  series linear retrogressive.
                                         material units.
                   15. Teaching Machine  Machine Teaching Model is   Teaching is hard to use the   Linear model of teaching
                                        very simple and cheap.  machine. Requires a complex  machine.
                                                            model of the machine.

                   16. Purpose          1.   Modification of the   1.   Out the weak points of   1.   Development of content.

                                         behavior of learners.  learners.         Main focus on math and
                                        2.   To encourage self-learning  2.   Provide measures to   grammar.
                                         requires a teacher.  correct weaknesses.
                                        3.   Students in the program

                                         flow induced continuous
                    17. Use             1.   Are used for secondary   1.   As useful for secondary   1.   Useful for higher classes.
                                         level students.      and higher classes.  2.   Useful for complex and
                                        2.   Learning objectives to   2.   Higher objectives can   diffi cult task.
                                         achieve lower recall and   be achieved in various   3.   Useful for the
                                         recognition exclusively   discrimination.  development of math and
                                         for use.           3.   Useful for students   grammar concepts.
                                        3.   Average and below   with average and high   4.   The remote-can be used in
                                         average intelligence useful   intelligence.  education
                                         for students.      4.   The remote-can be used in
                                        4.   Remote-can be used in   education programs.
                                         education programs.

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