P. 38

Educational Technology

                          Notes       Self-Assessment

                                        1.  Fill in the blanks:
                                          (i)  The fourth part of educational technology is known as ........................
                                         (ii)  Instruction mean to share ........................
                                         (iii)  ........................ design is based on teaching principles.
                                         (iv)  ........................ is both art and science.
                                          (v)  Many approaches were introduced in the field of ........................ to solve its problems.

                                      4.3  Training Psychology Design

                                      Training psychology design mainly concentrates on task analysis and related elements of teaching. It
                                      is related to input phase of educational technology. Its genesis was the result of response to military
                                      requirements. This method was fi rst used for the training of military bombers. In this design, a direct
                                      analysis method is used in which trained organs are developed. Robert Gagne and Glazer have specially
                                      enlightened this design. Training Psychology Design emphasized on goals and tasks and divides them
                                      into different elements. This design has the following points—
                                        1.  To recognize component tasks.
                                        2.  To consider in relation to their attainment.
                                        3.  Providing a systematic order to learn the full circumstances.
                                      Therefore it can be said that this design has three major parts—
                                       1.  Task analysis
                                       2.  Intra-task-transfer
                                       3.  Proper sequencing
                                      This design has a vast area in the field of education and there are many dimensions and problems

                                      for research. In the field of teaching-training, it is a viable design for the determination of goals, for
                                      writing goals in terms of behaviour and to develop skills in teacher. Educational process and teaching
                                      skills can be examined by this design and it provides a legal basis for lesson planning and course
                                      In 1960s, following are the major models from this design and various teaching models—
                                        1.  Georgian Educational Model
                                        2.  Wisconsin University Model
                                        3.  Education Model Instruction
                                       4.  Florida Model
                                        5.  Michigan State Model
                                       6.  Syracuse Model
                                        7.  Teacher college Model
                                        8.  Regional Laboratory Model
                                        9.  Teachers for the Real World Model
                                      Utility of Training Psychology Design
                                        1.  It is very useful for developing teacher training model
                                        2.  It supports development of Instruction.

                   32                               LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY

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