P. 37

Unit-4: Instructional Designs

                    5.  Foundation  psychology, sociology and   Psychological and scientifi c   Principles of psychology
                                    scientifi c foundation   foundation           and cybernetics
                    6.  Organization  Between the teacher and   By audio-visual, other   By teachers
                                    students               methods and person
                    7.  Aim         Effective teaching     To share information  Desired behavioural
                    8.  Content     Educational models and   Work-analysis, objectives,   Principles of teacher
                                    principles of educational    testing and motivating   behaviour, investigating
                                    methods and techniques   methods             method of behaviour,
                                                                                 analysis and improvement
                                                                                 in teacher’s behaviour
                    9. Levels of    Memory, sense and thinking  Memory           Memory and sense
                    10. Place of Teacher  Manager          Helpful               Subsidiary
                    11. Principle   Educational art and learning   Production principles of   Learning principles–
                                    principles             charge process        operant, conditioning,
                                                                                 motivation and feedback
                    12. Examples    Education at Memory, sense   Self-study, linear and   Micro-teaching and mini-
                                    and thinking level, teaching-  branching programmed   teaching, stimulation-
                                    management             instruction, mathetics,   social skills teaching,
                                                           correspondence courses and   interaction analysis, team
                                                           open university system  teaching etc.

                    13. Significance  (1)  Makes learning more   (1) Instructional develops   (1)  Develops  principles
                                       effective and purposeful.  principles       of teaching-behaviour,
                                                                                   improves behaviour
                                    (2) Develops educational   (2) Relates instructions
                                       principles            process to its objectives
                    14. Education   Makes class-teaching more   Helpful in self-study,   It is very useful in making
                       Implication  effective and purposeful  correspondence and open   effective teacher.
                                                           learning and remedial

                   4.2  Types of Instructional Designs

                   Many approaches were introduced in the  field of education to solve its problems. Following three

                   approaches of instructional design are most popular in the field of new approaches. These are presented
                   by charts—
                                                Types of instructional designs

                     Training psychology design       Cybernetics design         System approach

                                  These three designs are supplementary of each other. These are related to input,
                                 output and process methods of educational technology.

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