P. 120
ftfdne seBhe
B'N Rt = Response or action taken by the teacher in the light of diagnosis.
nfXnkge d/ fBoD/ ns/ fefonktK
P P = Pupils perception on the teachers behaviour. ftfdnkoEh gqshp'X
D P = Pupils diagnosis of Teacher‟s State of interest what is he saying and is
inferred form teacher‟s behaviour. nfXnkge fBdkB
R P = Reaction of pupil to the action of teacher. nfXnkge d/ gqsh ftfdnkoEhnK
dh nB[fefonk
Pt Dt Rt = Act of teaching / learning. f;ybkJh fefonk
P P D P R P = Taking Instruction. fjdkfJsh b?D dh fefonk (f;ZyD d/ fefonk)
;t?^w[bnzeD (Self Assessment)
1H ykbh ;EkBK dh g{osh eo' (Fill in the blanks):
(i) f;ybkJh fefonk B{z ftfrnkBe Yzr d[nkok HHHHHHHHHHH GkrK ftZu tzfvnk iKdk j?.
(ii) g{ot^fefonk nt;Ek ftZu nfXnkge ftfdnkoEhnK B{z frnkB gqdkB eoB d/ bJh
HHHHHHHHHHH dh :'iBk pDkT[Adk j? ns/ gVQkD dh fsnkoh eodk j?.
(iii) nfXnkge iwks ftZu ikD s'A gfjbK nkgD/ gkm d/ HHHHHHHHHHH fBoXkfos eodk j?.
(iv) HHHHHHHHHHHHH dk ekoi T[d/PK d/ nXko s/ ehsk iKdk j?.
(v) fJ; ;w/A nfXnkge nkgDh f;ybkJh B{z ;[fB:'fis ns/ ;cb pDkT[D d/ bJh
9H2 f;ybkJh dhnK fefonktK (f;ybkJh ;zXkB)
(Operations of Teaching) .
f;ybkJh dh T[go'es fszB' nt;EktK dh nkgDhnK ftP/P fefonktK jB fiBQK d/ wkfXnw
d[nkok nfXnkge nkgDk f;ybkJh ekoi g{ok eodk j?. fJBQK dk toDB fJ; soQK fdZsk ik
;edk j?^
I. g{ot^fefonkt nt;Ek ftZu f;ybkJKh fefonktK (Teaching Operations in Pre-
active Stage) g{ot nt;Ek ftZu fBwB do;kJhnK fefontK nfXnkge B{z eoBhnK g?AdhnK
(1) T[d/PK dk fBowkD ns/ fBoXkoD (Formulation of Goals) ^ nfXnkge iwks ftZu
ikD s'A gfjbK nkgD/ gkm d/ T[d/P fBoXkfos eodk j?. T[j T[d/PK B{z fttjkfoe
gfotosB d/ ;zdoG ftZu gfoGkfPs eodk j?. ftfdnkoEhnK d/ g{ot frnkB ns/
g{ot fttjko ns/ nB[Gt, iwks, ;so, T[wo, wkBf;e :'rsktK nkfd d/ nXko s/ T[j
T[d/P pDkT[Adk j?. (“Here, he decides as to at what level of sophistication or
abstraction he is going to fix up the goals.")
(2) gkm^t;s{ dh u'D (Selection of Content) ^ f;ybkJh T[d/PK d/ pknd nfXnkge
fBoXkfos T[d/PK d/ nB[;ko gkm^;wZroh iK gkm^t;s{ dh u'D eodk j?. gkm^t;s{
dh u'D d/ ;w/A gkm^t;s{ dh gqfeosh, ;so, ;o{g, GkPk s/ gqshe d/ Bkb^Bkb
ftfdnkoEhnK d/ ;so, T[wo nkfd dk th fXnkB oZfynk iKdk j?. nfXnkge fuzsB
eodk j? fe T[; B{z fejVk gkm gVQkT[Dk j?, feT[A gVQkT[Dk j?, ftfdnkoEhnK dk g{ot
frnkB fe; soQK dk j? ns/ fe; ;so s/ gq/oDk gqdkB eodh j? ns/ fe; soQK Bkb T[;
dk w[bnzeD eoBk j't/rk.