P. 102

Unit 5: Internal Reconstruction of Companies

          Illustration 10                                                                       notes

          The following scheme of capital reduction was duly sanctioned by the court:
          (i)   Equity shares to be reduced by ` 90 each
          (ii)   Preference shares to be reduced by ` 90 each.
          (iii)  The debenture-holders to waive their outstanding interest.

          (iv)  One equity share ` 5 paid will be issued for every ` 100 of preference dividend which was
               in arrear for one year.
          (v)   Share premium and all intangible assets to be written off.

          (vi)  Both types of fixed assets to be reduced proportionately by the balance available.
          The Balance Sheet of D. K. Manufacturing Company Limited as on 30  June, 2006 is as under:
              liabilities                    `          assets                    `
          Share Capital:
          12,000 8% Cumulative Preference
          Shares of ` 100 each.           12,00,000    Fixed Assets:
                                                       Goodwill                 1,36,000
                                                       Freehold Assets   8,80,000
                                                       -Depreciation   1,60,000   7,20,000
          16,000 Equity Shares of ` 100 each           Machinery    17,60,000
                                          16,00,000    -Depreciation   3,20,000   14,40,000
          Share Premium                    4,00,000    Patents                  1,76,000
          7% Debentures                    4,00,000    Stock                    1,20,000
          Interest on Debentures:                      Debtors                  2,49,600
          Accrued                           24,000     Preliminary Expenses      2,58,400
          Creditors                        1,60,000    P&L A/c                  6,84,000
                                          37,84,000                            37,84,000
          You are required to give journal entries and prepare Balance Sheet after capital reduction.


                                      D. k. manufacturing co. ltd.
          Date                 Particulars                        L.F.     `       `
                      Equity Share (` 100) Capital A/c        Dr.      16,00,000
                           To Equity Share (` 10) Capital A/c                    1,60,000
                           To Reconstruction A/c                                 14,40,000
                      (Being reduction in capital by converting 16,000 equity
                      shares of ` 100 each in 16,000 equity shares of ` 10 each)
                      10% Preference Shares (` 100) A/c       Dr.                12,00,000
                           To 10% Preference Shares (` 90) A/c                   10,80,000
                           To Reconstruction A/c                                 1,20,000
                      (Being reduction in capital by converting 12,000
                      Preference Shares of ` 100 each in 12,000 Preference
                      Shares of ` 90 each.)

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