P. 98

Unit 5: Internal Reconstruction of Companies

                                                    Preliminary Exps.             7,500         notes
                                                    Profit and Loss A/c   1,10,000
                                                    Less: Profit for the year   6,000   1,04,000
                                           6,52,125                             6,52,125
          The  directors  have  had  a  valuation  made  of  the  machinery  and  find  it  overvalued  by
          ` 50,000. It is proposed to write down this asset to its true value and to extinguish the deficiency
          in the profit and loss account and to write off the goodwill and preliminary expenses, by the
          adoption of the following course:
          (i)   Forfeit the shares on which the call is outstanding.
          (ii)   Reduce the paid up capital by ` 3 per share.
          (iii)  Reissue the forfeited shares as fully paid shares of ` 7 each at ` 5 per share.

          (iv)  Utilize the provision for taxation, if necessary.
          The shares on which the calls were in arrear were duly forfeited and reissued on payment of ` 5
          per share.
          You are required to-

          (a)   Draft the necessary journal entries
          (b)   Draw the company’s balance sheet immediately after the implementation of the scheme of


                                        galgotia industries ltd.
          Date            particulars                             l.f.     `       `
               Share Capital Account                         Dr.                1,50,000
                  To Forfeited Shares Account                                   1,05,000
                  To Calls-in-Arrear Account                                     45,000
               (Being forfeiture of 15,000 shares for non-payment of final call
               of ` 3 per share)
               Bank Account                                  Dr.         75,000
               Forfeited Shares Account                      Dr.         30,000
                  To Share Capital Account                                      1,05,000
               (Being reissue of 15,000 shares of ` 7 each at ` 5 each)
               Forfeited Shares Account                      Dr.         75,000
                  To Capital Reserve Account                                     75,000
               (Being transfer of the balance of forfeited shares account to
               capital reserve account)
               Share Capital (` 3) Account                   Dr.        1,35,000
                  To Capital Reduction Account                                  1,35,000
               (Being reduction in capital by reducing ` 3 per share on
               45,000 equity shares)
               Capital Reduction Account                     Dr.                2,11,500
                  To Machinery Account                                           50,000

                                           lovely professional university                                    93
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