P. 248

Unit 11: Valuation of Goodwill

          Profits - 2010                                                       1,50,000         notes
          Less: 10% depreciation on capital expenditure
           30,000 1,000  × 10 =                                   2,900
          Annual charge for management cost                      24,000         26,900

          Adjusted profits for the year 2010                                   1,23,100
          Computation of Weighted Average Profits
          Years           Adjusted Profits (`)         Weights                 products
          2007                 77,000                      1                    77,000

          2008                 88,000                      2                   1,76,000
          2009               1,17,000                      3                   3,51,000
          2010               1,23,100                      4                   4,92,400
                                                          10                  10,96,400

          Average Profits =   Totalof Products
                         Totalof Weights

                              =  10,96,400   = ` 1,09,640
          Goodwill = Average Profit × No. of Years’ Purchase
                           = ` 109,640 × 3 = ` 3,28,920

          11.5.2  Super Profit Method

           Under this method, goodwill is determined by multiplying the super profits by a certain number
          of years’ purchase. Super profit means excess of the average profits which is earned by a business
          over normal profit, based on the normal rate of return for representative firm in the industry.
                              Super profit = Average Profit – Normal Profit

          To calculate the value of goodwill under this method, the following three items are required:
          1.   Average  Profits  or  Future  Maintainable  Profits:  Average  profits  will  show  the  future
               earnings of the business. These are based on the past profits. Generally 3 to 5 years’ profits
               are considered to calculate the average profit. Before taking the past profits, all necessary
               adjustments  should  be  done,  taking  into  consideration  future  possibilities.  Necessary
               adjustment means abnormal or extraordinary profits of past years of non-recurring nature
               should be deducted and abnormal or extraordinary losses should be added back to the past
               to the relevant past year’s profit.
               In the following two cases, weighted average is suggested in the place of simple average.
               (i)   For the businesses, which are in existence only for a short period and its definite
                    trend of profits is not visible.

               (ii)   Where there is a marked increase or decrease in the past profits of business.
               The average profits and weighted average profits and their adjustments are discussed in
               detail in the average profit method earlier.

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