P. 256

Unit 11: Valuation of Goodwill

          The assets were revalued as under:                                                    notes
          Land and Building ` 1,94,000, Machinery ` 1,18,000 and Furniture ` 1,000. No remuneration was
          charged by A though he was actively engaged in the business.
          Find out goodwill by Capitalisation Method after assuming the rate of normal return.

                             valuation of goodwill of the Business of mr. a
          (a)  capital employed:
                                                                  `                `

               Land and Buildings at current price                            1,94,000
               Machinery at current price                                     1,18,000
               Furniture at current price                                       1,000
               Stock                                                            8,000

               Cash at Bank                                                    50,000
               Less: Sundry Liabilities:
               Creditors                                      80,000
               Bills Payable                                  20,000          1,00,000

               Capital Employed at the end of the year                        2,71,000
          (B)   Future Maintainable Profits:

                               40,000 + `  42,000 + `  45,000 + `  50,000 + `  `  53,000
               Average Profits  =
                                           =  =                                 46,000
               Less: Remuneration of A (assumed)                               10,000
               Future Maintainable Profits                                     36,000

          (c)   capitalised value of Future Maintainable Profits at the normal rate of 10% (assumed)

                                                      `  36,000 100
                                                   = =            =            3,60,000
          (D)  goodwill under capitalisation method:
               Capitalised value of Future Maintainable Profits                3,60,000
               Less: Capital Employed                                          2,71,000
               Goodwill:                                                        89,000

          11.5.4  annuity method

          When a purchaser acquires a business, he pays some amount for goodwill along with the amount
          for net assets of the business. At the time of purchase of business, the purchaser thinks that
          amount paid for goodwill would be recouped by him during the coming three or four years in the

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