P. 96

Unit 4: Responsibility Centers

          If sales are restricted to outside sales only, there is reduction in net profit of ` 35,000 (` 1,65,000 –  Notes
          ` 1,30,000) and reduction of ROI from 13.75% to 13.0%, hence, the proposition of the manager of
          division A is not correct from company’s overall point of view.
          Problem 7: The ABC company has three divisions - A, B and C. Division A is exclusively a
          marketing division. Division B is exclusively a manufacturing division and Division C is both
          a manufacturing and marketing division. The following are the financial facts of each of these

                                             Division A     Division B     Division C
            Current assets                    ` 1,00,000    ` 1,00,000     ` 1,00,000
            Fixed assets                         -           10,00,000      5,00,000
            Total assets                      1,00,000       11,00,000      6,00,000
            Profits before dep. & mktg. Dev. Costs   2,00,000   2,00,000    2,00,000

          Required: Assume that the ABC company depreciates fixed assets on a straight line basis over 10
          years. To maintain its markets and productive facilities, it has to invest  ` 1,00,000 per year in
          market development in division A and ` 50,000 per year in division C. This is written off as an
          expense. It has to replace 10% of its productive facilities each year. Under these equilibrium
          conditions, what are the annual rates of return earned by each of the division?
                                                A          B         C         Total
            Profit before dep. & mktg. Dev. Costs   2,00,000   2,00,000   2,00,000   6,00,000
            Less: Depreciation                   -       1,00,000   50,000    1,50,000
            Less: Market development costs    1,00,000      -       50,000    1,50,000
            Net profit                        1,00,000   1,00,000   1,00,000   3,00,000
            Total assets                      1,00,000   11,00,000   6,00,000   18,00,000
            ROI = _Net profit x 100            100%       9.1%      16.7%     16.7%
                      Total assets

          Note: Since depreciation on fixed assets is 10% and company is replacing 10% of its productive facilities
          every year, fixed assets figure will remain the same from year to year.
          Problem 8: The G division of the GHI Corporation proposes the following investment in a new
          product line:
               Investment in fixed assets            ` 1,00,000
               Annual profits before depreciation but after taxes ` 25,000 (i.e., annual cash flow)
               Life                                    5 years

          The GHI Corporation used the time adjusted rate of return, with a cut-off rate of 8% in evaluating
          its capital  investment proposals. A  ` 25,000 cash in  flow for five years  on an investment  of
          ` 1,00,000 has a time adjusted return of 8%. Consequently, the proposed investment is acceptable
          under the company’s criterion. Assume that the project is approved and that the investment and
          profit were the same as estimated. Assets are included in the divisional investment base at the
          average of the beginning of the years net book value.
          Required: Calculate the rate of return that is earned by the G division on the new investment for
          each year and the average rate for the five years, using straight line depreciation.

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