P. 136

Javeed Ahmad Bhat, Lovely Professional University
            Ripudaman Singh, Lovely Professional University                        «¬’≈¬∆ñH: ÓøÂ∆ ÍÃ∆ÙÁ ¡Â∂ ÍÃË≈È ÓøÂ∆

                      «¬’≈¬∆ñH: ÓøÂ∆ ÍÃ∆ÙÁ ¡Â∂ ÍÃË≈È ÓøÂ∆                                      È؇

                  (Council of Ministers and Prime Minister)

               «ÚÙ≈ Ú√± (Contents)
               ¿πÁ∂Ù (Objectives)
               ‹≈‰’≈∆ (Introduction)
                H.A    ÓøÂ∆ ÍÃ∆ÙÁ Á≈ «ÈÓ≈‰, ◊·È ¡Â∂ ’≈‹’≈Ò (Council of Ministers Structure and
                H.B    ÓøÂ∆ ÍÃ∆ÙÁ ¡Â∂ ÓøÂ∆ Óø‚Ò «Úæ⁄ Î’ (Distinction between Council of Ministers and
                H.C    ÓøÂ∆ Óø‚Ò Á∆¡ª Ù’Â∆¡ª ¡Â∂ ’øÓ (Powers and Functions of Cabinet)
               H.D    Ì≈ Á≈ ÍÃË≈È ÓøÂ∆ : ÔØ◊Â≈Úª, «ÈÔπ’Â∆, ’øÓ ¡Â∂ Ù’Â∆¡ª (Prime Minister of India:
                     Qualifications, Appointment, Functions and Powers)
               H.E    ÍÃË≈È ÓøÂ∆ Á∆ √«ÊÂ∆ (Position of the Prime Minister)
                H.F    ÍÃË≈È ÓøÂ∆ Á∆ Â≈È≈Ù≈‘∆ (Dictatorship of the Prime Minister)

                H.G    Ì≈Â∆ ÍzË≈È ÓßÂ∆ ¡Â∂ «Ïz«‡Ù ÍzË≈È ÓßÂ∆ Á∆¡ª Ù’Â∆¡ª «Úæ⁄ ÂπÒÈ≈ (Comparison of
                     the Powers of the Indian Prime Minister and British Prime Minister)

               H.H    Ì≈Â∆ ÍÃË≈È ÓøÂ∆ Á∆¡ª Ù’Â∆¡ª ¡Â∂ √«ÊÂ∆ Á∆ ¡Ó∆’È ≈Ù‡ÍÂ∆ Á∆¡ª Ù’Â∆¡ª
                     ¡Â∂ √«ÊÂ∆ È≈Ò ÂπÒÈ≈ (Comparison of the Powers and Position of Indian Prime
                      Minister with those of American President)
               H.I    √≈ ¡øÙ (Summary)
                H.A@   ÙÏÁ’ØÙ (Keywords)

                H.AA  ¡«Ì¡≈√ ÍÃÙÈ (Review Questions)
                H.AB   √Ïø«Ë Íπ√Â’ª (Further Readings)

            ¿πÁ∂Ù (Objectives)

            «¬√ «¬’≈¬∆ Á∂ ¡«Ë¡ÀÈ ÂØ∫ Ï≈¡Á «Ú«Á¡≈Ê∆ ÔØ◊ ‘؉◊∂:
               J    ÓøÂ∆ ÍÃ∆ÙÁ Á∂ √ø◊·È, ◊·È, ’øÓ, Ù’Â∆ ¡Â∂ ÓøÂ∆ ÍÃ∆ÙÁ ¡Â∂ ÓøÂ∆ Óø‚Ò «Úæ⁄ Î’ ˘ √Ófi‰
               J    Ì≈ Á∂ ÍÃË≈È ÓøÂ∆ Á∆ ÔØ◊Â≈, ’≈‹’≈Ò, Ù’Â∆¡ª ¡Â∂ ¿π√ Á∆ √«ÊÂ∆ Á≈ Úȉ ’È √ÏøË∆
               J    Ì≈Â∆ ÍÃË≈È ÓøÂ∆ ¡Â∂ «Ïë‡Ù ÍÃË≈È ÓøÂ∆ Á∆ √«ÊÂ∆ ¡Â∂ Ù’Â∆¡ª Á∂ Î’ ˘ √Ófi‰ √ÏøË∆Õ
               J    Ì≈Â∆ ÍÃË≈È ÓøÂ∆ ¡Â∂ ¡Ó∆’È ≈Ù‡ÍÂ∆ Á∆ √«ÊÂ∆ ¡Â∂ Ù’Â∆¡ª È≈Ò ÂπÒÈ≈ ’ √’‰

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