P. 129
Unit-13: Flander’s Interaction Analysis System
Introduction Notes
Meaning—The various actions the teacher in the classroom, teachers and students in the classroom as
a result of the inter-actions between the different types are. The interconnection procedures are key
attributes of teacher behavior. Teacher attitudes are reflected in the analysis of these inner processes.
“Teacher behaviour may be defined as a function of the characteristics of the teacher, his environment
and the task in which the teacher engages.”
13.1 Teaching Behaviour
Teacher behavior, learning behavior is different from the concept. Teaching practice includes a variety
of activities, whose principal aim is the ‘teaching - learning’ objectives. Write on the blackboard, decode,
display, asking questions, responding, to provide guidance, to praise, to motivation, to encourage
students to class actions, behavior assessment, etc., are examples of teaching practice. (Singh, 1992)
In the words of another scholar—
“The teaching behaviour conceived in this way becomes a system of activities or acts or operations
which can be analyzed in terms of each specific activity or act or operation. It employs the intellectual
process in a well organised form.”
On the other hand, teacher behavior, teacher personality characteristics, his mastery of his attitudes, his
sensitivity and his verbal and nonverbal behaviors are included.
“As a matter of fact the term teacher behaviour is very wide and it may include teaching behaviour with
all activities or acts or operations relevant to the achievement of specific goals of teaching.”
According to Ryans, “Teacher attitudes, behaviors or actions that individuals can be defined as what
they do. And the actions of their needs, especially for such learning activities which relate to direction
or guidance”.
There are two features of teacher behavior—
(1) Teacher’s behavior, their circumstances, are based on factors and characteristics.
(2) Is possible to observe the behavior of the teacher is impossible to observe the behavior of the teacher,
so the measurement is also possible.
Withal (1949), Flander and Amidon (1960), Medley and Mitzel (1948) and Galloway (1968) was shown
in Systematic Observation through the efforts of teachers to study behavior. Through systematic
approaches, systematic inspection is done. “Systematic inspection, a process which is used to observe
classroom practices.” In other words, systematic inspection technique under certain rules of behavior
by a teacher or teaching activity are analyzed. Efficiency and its ability to estimate teacher teaching her
Effectiveness can be gauged. But the teacher’s objective evaluation of teacher behaviors and interactions
with students that can be done by.
Meaning of Interaction Analysis is a system by which the events happening in classrooms
are observe and systematic and objective scientific analysis is done.
It is a kind of specific research activities, which support all the actions and practices of classroom
inspection, marking and are being analyzed.
According to Over, “Systematic observation represents a useful means of identifying, classifying,
studying, measuring specific variables as they interact within the institutional learning situations.”
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Educational Technology 123 29/07/13 10:22 PM
Educational Technology 123