P. 136
Educational Technology
Notes Rule 3. Do not use your own approach to the inspector.
Rule 4. If more than one second in three categories which are active all categories should be recorded.
If a category does not change the three second number is the same class must be repeated.
Rule 5. If silence is more than 3 seconds to record the 10th Division.
Rule 6. If silence is more than 3 seconds to record the 10th Division.
Rule 7. If the teacher to the student’s answer and the answer is correct, then this behavior repeated
Category 2 is maintained.
Rule 8. The idea of the student teacher to listen and debate the relationship of Category 3 will accept
this behavior.
Rule 9. If a student by another student begins its negotiations after talks.. Between the 9th and 8th grade
class 10 is written.
Rule 10. All right Yes or OK etc are related to category 2.
Rule 11. Inspection should be given to the situation than words.
Rule 12. If a student teacher, then it’s no fun without a targeted range of 2.. and mocks her with a student,
it is maintained by Category 7
Rule 13. If the student has to speak a little to the question if the assembled class record is 8.
13.7 Flander’s Basic Assumptions
1. Teacher’s behavior influenced the student.
2. Teacher’s classroom behavior of students affects more. Student behavior is influenced by the behavior
of teachers.
3. Teacher-students relationship is important in the process of education.
4. The teacher is more interested in democratic practice.
5. Observe the behavior of the teacher in the classroom, marking and can be objectively measured.
6. Learning environment of the classroom is also important.
7. The teacher’s behavior can be improved by the use of feedback.
8. Use of verbal behavior in the classroom is more. Represents the entire behavior of the classroom
verbal behavior.
13.8 Characteristics of Flander’s Interaction Analysis
1. Teacher in the classroom behavior of this method is objective verifi able manner.
2. There is a system of feedback
3. It is a reliable method for evaluating classroom teaching.
4. Use this as a teaching assistant microscopic method is used.
5. Teaching practice time required by this method may be given to the teacher’s teaching practices.
6. The system has a clear conception of teaching practices change in the teacher’s teaching effectiveness.
7. This system is used to analyze the teacher’s teaching,.. teachers make their own assessment of the
merits and defects of the information may be able to overcome his guilt.
8. The system of teacher training and in-service teacher education teacher change in behavior his
teaching skills can be enhanced.
29/07/13 10:22 PM
Educational Technology 130 29/07/13 10:22 PM
Educational Technology 130