P. 219
Unit–25: Programmed Learning/Instruction
In the process of normalisation specific facts, examples, illustrations are presented to students and then Notes
on the basis of them, students try to reach the general rule or principle. The process of generalisation is
more used in methetics.
Different situation are prepared for different responses in discrimination. So it can be said that
discrimination is an process to generalization. The discrimination process is more used in branching
and methetics. The format of generalization and discrimination is specified by Dr Sharma –
Generalisation Discrimination
Stimulus—1 Stimulus—1 → Response—1
Stimulus—2 → Response Stimulus—2 → Response—2
Stimulus—3 Stimulus—3 → Response—3
(9) Gradual Progression—In programmed instruction, students are slowly moved from chain of
entering behaviour to ending behaviour through gradual progression. In gradual progression, this
matter is taken care of. Student develops complex behaviour through slow response. Each fraction of
the content has an arrangement that which students will gradually move up on the path of progress by
relating the student’s prior responses to his further responses.
(10) Successive Approximation—In programmed instruction material the prior response of learner are
reinforced. The processes required to reach the ending behaviour are divided into small fraction in
according to the logical sequenced method. Learner’s responses reach near the ending behaviour by
reinforcing at every fraction on the basis of successive approximation.
(11) Diagnosis and Remediation—Diagnosis and Remediation refers to provide remedial instruction
to students according to their needs, weaknesses and difficulties by diagnosis their diffi culties and
weaknesses. Students’ remediation should be done on the basis of their diversity. When student makes
incorrect response then his difficulty, fault or weakness gets noticed for which he get remedial instruction
on wrong-page and he receives instruction from material to improve his fault.
(12) Retrogressive Chain—In order to reach the level of mastery, progressive chain is followed in the
linear programmed instruction but T.F. Gilbert has used retrogressive chain in his instruction. Opposite
to progressive chain, this chain is started from end point and is ended at the starting of the chain such
as reverse counting or to learn reverse multiplication table (from 100 to 1). This chain is more useful in
(13) Programmed Text—“Programmed text is a set of programmed learning materials produced in the
form of a printed text”.
In linear programmed instruction, content is divided into small fractions, students have to response
for each one. This is called as linear programmed content. It is two types in classical programmed
instruction—1. Home Page 2. Wrong Page—These are collectively called as scrambled text.
(14) Learner Controlled Instruction—This concept is the contribution of Robert Mager. The importance
is given to students in this instruction. For preparing programmed instruction material, student-centred
instruction sequence is more effective than any other instruction sequence. So it should be used in the
beginning of preparing instructional material, then we should move further by establishing relation
with the objectives. It helps making instruction student-centred.
2. State whether the following statements are True or False:
(i) Such situations, event or person or change in environment which bring changes to the students’
behaviour are called as Stimulus.
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Educational Technology 213 29/07/13 10:22 PM
Educational Technology 213