P. 216

Educational Technology

                          Notes       provide reinforcement at the right time. Response is a unit of active behaviour. Response, partially
                                      or completely acts as a stimulus for the next fraction. Proper response of student is useful in making
                                      learning more effective.

                                      Since stimulus and response are useful for change in students behaviour and in some way behaviour
                                      change is a learning so these are basic elements of programmed instruction.
                                      (2) Behaviour and Behaviour Repertoire—By behaviour, we meant to such activities which are
                                      performed by students to attain teaching goals.
                                      “Behaviour is the total response of the organism to situations of life. It considers inner and overt
                                      behaviour and also combines the study of inner mental processes and other outer behaviour.”
                                      In context of programmed instruction, a group of stimulus-responses is called as behaviour. Response
                                      is a unit of behaviour. Stimulus-response collectively develop behaviours.
                                      Behaviour Repertoire is that series in which many responses are managed in a group by a logical method.
                                      Different types of behaviour repertoire collectively determine the students behaviour. Behaviour
                                      repertoire provides students his qualities and characteristics. At learning level, behaviour repertoire is
                                      categorized into three categories—
                                       (a)  Simple Discriminative Repertoire—In this student determines the independent elements, external
                                          objects or situations.

                                       (b)  Serial Repertoire—In this, it responds serially.
                                       (c)  Self-Sustained Repertoire—It contains both repertoire—simple discriminative and serial but in
                                          place of external stimulus, stimulus is originated from the students’ behaviour (internal).

                                      (3) Reinforcement—Reinforcement is that event which occurs after completion of a process and reinforces
                                      that process. In order words the possibility of the occurrence of that gets increased. “Reinforcement is
                                      related to such events of the environment which increase the possibility of a response. New behaviour
                                      or change is based on such responses which are powered by the stimulus. Such events or situation of
                                      stimulus which create responses are called as reinforcement” (Sharma, 1966)
                                      Reinforcement is of two types —
                                       (a)  Positive Reinforcement—Such stimulus whose presentation increases the possibilities of occurrence
                                          of responses or the correct response is praised or awarded then it is called as positive reinforcement.
                                          Positive reinforcement is provided to strengthen the desired behaviour/responses due to which
                                          student repeats that behaviour.
                                       (b)  Negative Reinforcement—Negative reinforcement is provide to decrease the unwanted behaviour/
                                          responses of students so that they don’t repeat that behaviour such as to punish, to criticise, to get
                                          angry etc.

                                      Remember that positive reinforcement is more effective than negative reinforcement. Therefore, mostly
                                      positive reinforcement should be used.

                                                 What do you mean by Stimulus?

                                      Schedule of Reinforcement—There are many schedules of reinforcement, which are displayed as—

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