P. 218

Educational Technology

                          Notes       (B) Interval Schedule Reinforcement—It is also called as time interval einforcement. Reinforcement is

                                      given after a fixed interval such as after five or one hour or eight hour. Time is more emphasized and

                                      reinforcement is given from the interval of time. These are of two type –
                                      (B ) Fixed Interval Schedule Reinforcement.
                                      (B ) Variable Interval Schedule Reinforcement.
                                      (B ) Fixed Interval Schedule Reinforcement—Reinforcement is provided after a fi xed interval then
                                      it is called as fixed interval schedule reinforcement. It is already decided that after how much time,

                                      reinforcement will be provided such after every fi ve minutes, fifteen minutes or every hour. The fi xed

                                      interval of time is more emphasized rather than the quantity of work.
                                      (B ) Variable Interval Schedule Reinforcement—In this, time interval is not  fi xed rather it can be
                                      changed so this type of reinforcement is called variable Interval Schedule Reinforcement. The behaviour
                                      changes and knowledge attain by the student through this reinforcement are not stable.
                                      Directions for the use of above Reinforcement
                                        1.  Teacher should use fixed ratio reinforcement to increase the pace of students’ response.

                                        2.  Continuous Reinforcement should be used for attaining the goals of information and intermittent
                                          reinforcement should be used for attained the experimental, understanding and other higher goals.
                                        3.  Interval reinforcement should be used for the goals of behaviour change and to make new knowledge
                                        4.  In the beginning, continuous reinforcement and then fixed ratio or interval reinforcement and in

                                          last situation, the use of Variable interval reinforcement is more founded.
                                        5.  The methods of Continuous reinforcement for introverted students and variable fixed ratio
                                          reinforcement for extroverted student are founded more capable for effective learning.
                                        6.  It is considered that the use of variable ratio and variable interval reinforcement for bright students
                                          and the use of continuous or fixed ratio reinforcement for dull student, is more productive and

                                      (4) The Transfer of Stimulus Control—In the beginning of programmed instruction material, when
                                      student responses with Stimular, he is already familiar to them. As he moves forward, responses help
                                      in reaching from the entering behaviour to ending behaviour and stimulus control keeps moving in
                                      learning order. This is called as the transfer of Stimulus Control.
                                      (5) Feedback—Feedback is that process in which students are made aware to their weaknesses, faults
                                      and errors so that students can improve, also student’s good features, good work, their quality and
                                      strengths are explained in this process so that they can they can display them even further into their
                                      behaviour. Reinforcement increases the possibility of response while feedback is a powerful tool for
                                      change in behaviour. Feedback methods improves the students behaviour, develop them and make
                                      desired changes in them.

                                      (6) Confi rmation—Confirmation is also called as third principle of programmed instruction. The
                                      feedback is immediately provided that students’ response is correct due to which students move
                                      forward. Confirmation is a form of feedback due to which students attain new knowledge and also

                                      reinforcement is provided to them. Student gets the completeness of teaching material by moving

                                      forward though ordered fractions based on confirmation of his response.
                                      (7) Prompting—In programmed instruction student have to response for every fraction for which an
                                      extra stimulus is used. This is called as Prompt. An information contained in a frame to help the learner
                                      to respond correctly is known as prompt or cue.
                                      This will prevent students from making the wrong response.
                                      (8) Generalisation and Discrimination—The ability to acquire the skills, aptitude and knowledge etc.
                                      in a situation and to response them in a similar situation for the same elements is called generalisation.

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