P. 10
ftfdne seBhe
B'N “Educational Technology is the systematic application of scientific knowledge
about teaching learning and conditions of learning to improve the efficiency of
teaching and training.”
(2) sePh ;kekwkN' (Takshi Sakamato, 1971) ^ “ftfdne seBheh T[j fttjkfoe iK
gq:'rkswe nfXnB j? fi; dk T[d/P e[ZM io{oh sZsK fit/A ^ ftfdne T[d/P, gkm^t;s{,
f;Zfynk ;wZroh, f;ybkJh ftXh, tksktoD, ftfdnkoEhnK s/ fBod/PeK dk fttjko ns/
T[jBK d/ ftZu j'D tkbh nzsofefonk B{z fB:zsfos eoe/ tZX s'A tZX ftfdne gqGkt g?dk
eoBk j?.”
“Educational Technology is an applied or practical study which aims at
maximising educational effect by controlling such relevant facts as
educational purposes educational environment, conduct of student, behaviour
of instructors and interrelations between students and instructors.”
(3) fPt e/H fwZsok (Shiv K. Mitra) ^ “ftfdne seBheh B{z T[jBK gZXshnK ns/ gqftXhnK
dk ftfrnkB wzfBnk ik ;edk j? fiBQK d/ d[nkok ftfdne T[d/PK B{z gqkgs ehsk ik
“Educational Technology can be conceived as a science of techniques and
methods by which educational goals could be realized.”
1H3H3 ftfdne seBheh dh ekoikswe gfoGkPk
j/vkB (E. E. Hadden) dh gfoGkPk ekoikswe gfoGkPk ejh iKdh j?. fJ; ftZu ftfdne
seBheh d/ f;XKse ns/ fttjkfoe d'B' jh gZyK B{z Pkfwb ehsk frnk j?.
eh s[;hA ikDd/ j' ftfdne seBheh, ftfdne f;XKs ns/ fttjko dh T[j Pkyk j? fijVh w[Zy
o{g s'A ;{uBktK d/ T[g:'r ns/ :'iBktK Bkb ;zpzXs j[zdh j? ns/ f;ZyD dh
gqfefonk s/ fB:zsoD oZyDh j?.
T[go'es gfoGkPktK d/ nXko s/ n;hA j/mK do;kJ/ BshfinK s/ gj[zud/ jB^
(1) ftfrnkB, ftfdne seBheh dk nXkoG{s ftPk j?.
(2) ftfdne seBheh, f;Zfynk s/ ftfrnkB ns/ seBheh d/ gqGkt dk nfXnB eodh j?.
(3) ftfdne seBheh ftZu fttjkfoe gZy B{z wjZst fdZsk iKdk j?.
(4) ftfdne seBheh fBozso ftek;Phb ftPk j?.
(5) fJ; dk T[d/P f;ZyD dh gqfefonk ftZu ftek; eoBk j?.
(6) fJj wB'ftfrnkB, fJBihBhnfozr nkfd ftfrnkBK s'A ;jkfJsk b?Adh j?.
(7) fJ; ftZu eqwpZX gj[zu (Systematic Approach) B{z gqXkBsk fdZsh iKdh j?.
(8) fJ; ftZu nfXnkge, ftfdnkoEh ns/ seBheh gqfefonktK fJeZmhnK Pkfwb
ofjzdhnK jB.
(9) ftfdne^seBheh d/ ftek; d/ cb;o{g f;ybkJh ftZu BthB^ftXhnK ns/ Bt
f;ybkJh^seBheK dk dyb j' fojk j?.
(10) fJj ftfdne T[d/PK dh g{osh bJh f;Zfynk^go;fEshnK ftZu io{oh gfotosB
fbnkT[D ftZu ;woZE j?.