P. 262
ftfdne seBhe
B'N 25H1 :'iBkpZX fBod/P dk noE (Meaning of Programmed Learning)
;few s/ w{o/ (Smith and moore) d/ PpdK ftZu, “:'iBkpZX fBod/P fe;h f;Zfynk ;wZroh
B{z eqwnB[;ko gdK dh bVh ftZu ftt;fEs eoB tkbh fJZe gqfefonk j?, fi; d/ d[nkok
ftfdnkoEhnK B{z T[jBK dh ikDh^gfjukDh iBw^G{wh d[nkok fJZe BthB ns/ w[Pfeb XkoDktK,
f;XKsK ns/ ntp'XK tZb b? ikfJnk iKdk j?.”
“Programmed instruction is the process of arranging the material to be learned into
a series of sequential steps, usually it moves the student from a familiar
background into a complex and new set of concept principles and understanding.”
i/w;H JhH J/;fgu ns/ fpob ftfb:w d/ nB[;ko, “:'iBkpZX fBod/P nB[GtK dk T[j fB:'fis
eqw j? fijVk T[s/ie^nB[fefonk ;zpzX d/ o{g ftZu ;woZEk (proficiency) tZb iKdk j?.”
“Programmed instruction is a planned sequence of experiences leading to
proficiency in terms of stimulus response relationship”.
;N'cb (Stoffel) B/, “frnkB d/ S'N/ nzPK B{z fJZe soe nXkfos eqw ftZu ftt;fEs eoB B{z
:'iBkpZX ns/ fJ; dh ;zg{oD gqfefonk B{z :'iBkpZX fBod/P fejk j?.”
“The arrangements of tiny bits of knowledge into logical sequence is called the
„programmed‟ and its process is called, „Programmed Learning‟.”
bhE (Leith) d/ nB[;ko, “:'iBkpZX fBod/P, fBod/P ;wZroh d/ S'N/^S'N/ gdK iK co/wK
(Frames) dh fJZe bVh j?. fJjBK gdK ftZu'A nZX s'A tZX ftZu nB[fefonk d/ bJh fe;h
tke ftZu ykbh ;EkBh dh g{osh eoBh j[zdh j?. ng/fyns nB[fefonktK d/ bJh fe;h ;ze/s
gqDkbh dk gq:'r ehsk iKdk j? ns/ jo/e nB[fefonk dh g{PNh BshfinK d/ s[ozs frnkB
d[nkok ehsh iKdh j?.”
“Programmed learning is a sequence of small steps of instructional material (called
Games), most of which require a response to be made by completing blank space
in a sentence. To ensure that expected responses are given, a system of cueing
is applied and each response is verified by the provision of immediate knowledge
of results.”
n?BH n?wH wkth (N.S. Mavi) efjzd/ jB, “:'iBkpZX fBod/P, ;iht fBod/Pe gqfefonk B{z
„;t?^f;Zfynk‟ iK „;t?^fBod/P‟ ftZu gfotofss eoB dh T[j seBhe j? fi; ftZu
ftPk^t;s{ B{z S'NhnK^S'NhnK eVhnK ftZu tzfvnk iKdk j?, fijBK B{z f;ZyD tkb/ B{z gVQ e/
nB[fefonk eoBh j[zdh j?, fi; d/ ;jh iK rbs j'D dk T[; B{z s[ozs gsk uZb iKdk j?.”
“Programmed instruction is a technique of converting the live-instructional process
into self-learning or auto instructional readable material if the form of micro-
sequence of subject-matter which the learners are required to read and make
some response, the correctness or incorrectness of which is told to him
;[;B wkoeb/ (Susan Markle) d/ nB[;ko, “:'iBkpZX fBod/P d[pkok g/P ehshnK ik ;eD
tkbhnK fefonktK dh bVh B{z ;zofus eoB dh T[j ftXh j?, fi; dh ;jkfJsk Bkb ftneshrs
o{g s'A jo/e ftfdnkoEh d/ fttjko ftZu wkge ns/ ftPtk;:'r gfotosB fbnk ik ;e/.”
“Programmed instruction is a method of designing reproducible sequence of
instructional events to produce measurable and consistent effect on the
behaviours of each and every acceptable student.”