P. 67
fJekJh^6L ftfdne seBhe dhnK f;ybkJh BhshnK, ftXhnK ns/ :'iBktK
(2) nfXnkge B{z io{oh wkordoPB eoBk g?Adk j?. B'N
(3) ftfdnkoEhnK B{z nkgD/^nkg ekoi eoB dh nkds g?Adh j?.
(4) ftfdnkoEh nkgD/ T[ZsodkfJstK B{z g{ok eoB dh nkds ftef;s eod/ jB.
(5) fJ; ftXh ftZu ftP/^t;s{ d/ ;ko/ gfjb{nK dk ;wkt/P ofjzdk j?.
(6) fttjkfoe ekoi s/ finkdk pb fdZsk iKdk j?.
d'P (Demerits)
(1) nfXnkge s/ ftfdnkoEhnK d/ ekoi fBod/PB dk T[ZsodkfJst tZX iKdk j?.
(2) finkdk ;wK bZrdk j?.
(3) nZSh gq:'rPkbk ns/ nZS/ g[;sekb/ dh ewh ftZu fJj ftXh T[g:'rh BjhA j?.
;[Mkn (Suggestions)
;"Ag/ ekoi fdzd/ ;w/A fXnkB oZy' feL
(1) jo/e fdB ;"Afgnk ekoi Bk fdZsk ikt/.
(2) ;"Ag/ ekoi dk ;zpzX gkm Bkb io{o j't/.
(3) ftfdnkoEhnK dh :'rsk ns/ T[wo nB[;ko j't/.
(4) T[fus wkor^doPB d/D dh ftt;Ek j't/.
(5) ;"Afgnk ekoi ;gPN ns/ T[d/Pg{oD j't/.
(6) ;koEE j't/.
(7) ftfdnkoEh ekoi eoB d/ bJh gq/fos j't/.
8H ;wZf;nk ;wkXkB Bhsh (Problem Solving Strategy)
j?wzv eko;h (Hammonds Carsie) d/ PpdK ftZu^
“Problem solving in teaching refers to the task of making decisions or doing things
that learner wants to make or to do, the nature of which he is able to understand but
for which at the time he has no solution.”
;wZf;nk ;wkXkB ftXh dk iBw gq:'iBtkd d/ cb;o{g j'fJnk. fJ; ftZu ftfdnkoEh nkgD/
gkm Bkb ;zpzXs ;wZf;nktK ftfdnkoEhnK d/ ;kjwD/ gq;s{s eodk j? ns/ ftfdnkoEh nkgDh
o[uh ns/ ;woZEk d/ nB[;ko ;wkXkB ftZu bZr iKdk j?. fJ; ftXh ftZu ;wZf;nk
ftfdnkoEhnK d/ ;kjwD/ ;gPN PpdK ftZu oZyh ikDh ukjhdh j? ns/ T[jBK dh f;Zfynk nB[GtK
s/ nXkfos j'Dh ukjhdh j?. nfXnkge dh ;jkfJsk Bkb ftfdnkoEh ;wZf;nktK dk ;zPb/PD iK
ftPb/PD eod/ jB ns/ ;wkXkB sZe gjz[uD dk :sB eod/ jB^
fJ; ftXh d/ fBwB fbys gd jB^
(1) ;wZf;nk dh u'D,
(2) ;wZf;nk dk gq;s{sheoD,
(3) sZEK dk fJeZsoheoD,
(4) gfoebgBk dk fBowkD,
(5) ;wkXkBkswe Bshi/ s/ gj[zuDk,
(6) w[bnzeD,
(7) ekoi dk nkb/y eoBk.