P. 176

Operations Management

                    Notes          3.  Gaining management commitment (as quality policy is by top management).
                                   4.  Looking quality from cost consciousness point of view.
                                   5.  Giving customers what they need (Contract system).

                                   6.  Removing the need for multiple assessment of suppliers.
                                   The implementation of ISO 9000 as described above clearly indicates that ISO:9000 is a stem
                                   towards TQM (Total Quality Management).

                                   Implications of ISO: 9000 for India’s Export

                                   The world share is being controlled today by the European Union (consisting of members at
                                   present–Germany, France,  Belgium, Italy, Netherland, Denmark, United Kingdom, Ireland,
                                   Greece, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Austria and Finland), the USA and the Japan.
                                   These European Union countries have circulated the following list of products which have to be
                                   procured only from the exporters having ISO 1000 or its equivalent Certification.
                                   We have been having a good amount of share from these countries and hence can ill-afford to
                                   lose this market. We, therefore, have to have ISO Certification at the earliest to continue to have
                                   benefit of our good business relations with these countries. This will also help us to improve our
                                   quality and we shall be able to withstand competitors from foreign countries operating within
                                   our country & also to compete with them for International market.
                                   List of Products where Compulsory ISO 9000 Certification is Required in Europe
                                   1.  Toys
                                   2.  Simple Pressure Vessels

                                   3.  Gas Appliances
                                   4.  Personal Protection Equipments
                                   5.  Machinery

                                   6.  Upholstered Furniture
                                   7.  Ski Lifts (Lifting Equipments)
                                   8.  Marine Equipments

                                   9.  Children Playground Equipment
                                   10.  Medical Diagnostic Kits
                                   11.  Temporary Structures (e.g. Scaffoldings)

                                   Differences between ISO:9000 and ISI Marking

                                   ISO:9000 is a Quality System Standard and not a product standard i.e. a company having an ISO:
                                   1000 certification shall not automatically be qualified for its Product Standards.

                                   A customer requiring a product with ISI mark from an ISO company has to be provided with a
                                   product with ISI mark as usual conforming to a particular specification and not that the company
                                   can escape this responsibility.
                                   A company can produce variety of products out of which not necessarily all should have ISI
                                   mark but for an ISO company they have to adhere to uniform standards (System Standards) as
                                   per ISI system for all products.

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