P. 55

Unit-6: Teaching Strategies, Methods and Techniques of Educational Technology

                   6. Project Strategy                                                                      Notes
                   John Dewey’s Pupil W. H. Kilpatric gave birth to this method. According to him “Purposes of the
                   action, with the full involvement of the social environment is achieved.”
                   According to  Prof. Stevenson  [Project was a problematic task, which receives its perfection under
                   natural conditions.]

                                  In this method, a problem is presented to the students and the students are engaged
                                 in the solution. It works according to interest and desire of the students.

                   Theory of Project Strategy

                      (1)  Theory of Purposiveness
                      (2)  Theory of Activity
                      (3)  Theory of Reality
                      (4)  Theory of Utility
                      (5)  Theory of Freedom
                      (6)  Theory of Social Development
                   Project planning and regulation of each of these principles is particularly emphasized.
                   Steps of Project Strategy:

                   Each Project is divided into the following parts—
                   (1) Select Project—Teachers must create a situation in which the students themselves start making
                   plans. Thus, students get together to discuss various purposes independently by students and teachers.
                   As far as possible, students should have the opportunity to select your own Project. Teachers should be
                   consulted in the selection process as needed.
                   (2) Framework to be prepared—Project selection should be created after the completion of the program.
                   Program to students in the assessment discussion should complete remission. Chalk mark on the various
                   responsibilities of all students to share their merit and should do all this article. Project for making such
                   school property surveying, Vatika size, placed the names of plants, plants and seeds and tools required
                   to manage Berkshire etc. well-like a conversation in the various groups of students share responsibility
                   should pay.
                   (3) Implementation of the program—After making functions under Framework Programme Project

                   starts. The students who have responsibilities, they begin to fulfill. In order to fulfill our responsibility to

                   the students have to gain knowledge of various types. This type of knowledge is more stable. Promoting
                   students, observe their actions and may modify the plan as necessary.
                   (4) Evaluation—After being on target to meet the teacher and student evaluation. Project based on
                   the purpose of the Project is considered success and failure. From time to time student-their work are
                   considered, the repetition of mistakes to correct and useful knowledge.

                   Types of Project
                   By the purpose of teaching students different kinds of knowledge that can be activated. This type of
                   sponsorship may be following—
                    (1)  Project-related construction—Vatika school, museum, aquarium, Tereriam, Waiveriam, Instruments
                       etc. for building purposes.

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