P. 76

ftfdne seBhe

                     B'N         (4)   gqPBK dh GkPk ;ob j'Dh ukjhdh j?.
                                 (5)   gqPBK B{z ;jh Yzr Bkb ;gPN ntkI ftZu ns/ g{o tkeK Bkb gq;s{s eoBk ukjhdk
                                 (6)   gqPB T[Zso d/ ftukb/ jk;^ftB'd th wjZstg{oD :'rdkB fdzdk j?.
                                 (7)   gqPBK dh tzv iwks ftZu ;wkB o{g Bkb eoBh ukjhdh j?.
                                 (8)   Yes/No iK Suggestive Type gqPBK dk gq:'r fiZE/ sZe Bk ehsk ikt/ ;jh j?.
                               gqPB T[Zso gqDkbh ftZu ftfGzB gqeko d/ gqPB g[ZS/ ik ;ed/ jB.  ukoN d/ wkfXnw Bkb fJBQK
                               B{z fBZu/ gqdofPs ehsk ik fojk j?^

                                                      ;koDh^iwks ftZu ehs/ ikD tkb/ gqPB
                                                          (Class-room questions)

                               fBwB ;soh gqPB                       wZXw ;soh gqPB                  T[Zu ;soh gqPB
                                (Low order)                                       (Middle level)                             (Higher level)

                                :kdPesh                                                       ftPb/PD    ;z;b/PD     w[bnzeD

                               (Memory)                                                                             (Analysis) (Synthesis) (Evaluation)

                                                    nB[tkdkswe     ftnkfynkswe     gq:'rkswe

                                                     (Translation)  (Interpretation) (Application)   Uniqueness    Justification

                              gqfsnktosD    gfjukDB                                                     w"fbesk        fBoDk

                              (gqfsnk;woD) Bkb ;zpzXs                                                 (Originality)   (Judgement)

                               (Memory) (nfGfrnkB)                                nkrwB     fBrwB

                                         (Recognition)                                               ftXh       ftXh               oZfynk^pukn

                                                                                                             (Inductive    (Deductive                (Defence)

                                                           nGhftnesh   nGhftnesh        reasoning)    reasoning)

                                                           dk wkfXnw    dk ;kXB

                                                         (Medium of     (Made of                                                     ftfGzBsk
                                                 expression)  expression)                                 (Diversity)



                                         s[bBkswe                            ;zpzXs ftnkfynk              (Imaginary

                                          (Comparison)                              (Explaining relationship)              situations)

                                         ;wkBsk :[es                            ekoB^gqGkt ;zpzX

                                  (Finding similarities)                  (Explaining cause-effect relationship)

                                      ftfGzBsk :[es                        (Explaining relationship

                                  (Finding differences)                                  with implications)

                                               T[bN                             rtkjK d/ Bkb ;zpzX ftnkfynk

                                        (Contrasting)                                     (Explaining relationship

                                                                                                          with evidence)

                                 14H gkso^nGhB/ iK nB[eoDh iK G{wh fBotkj Bhsh (Role Playing)

                               fJj nGhB/ ftXh j? fi; dk ;zpzX frnkBkswe ns/ ;wkfie e"Pb ftef;s eoB s'A j?.  fJ;
                               Bkb ftfdnkoEhnK dh o{uh, nGho{uh ns/ nGhftosh ftZu gfotosB fbnkfJnk ik ;edk j?.
                               fJ; ftZu nB[eoDh f;ybkJh B{z wjZst fdZsk iKdk j?.  fJ; gkso  nGhB/  iK  BkNeh  ftXh

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