P. 64

Educational Technology

                          Notes           (3)  To build the good and the right questions is an art in which all people are not well trained.
                                          (4)  It is not complete in itself but has to resort to other policies, such as-Lecture policy etc.
                                          (5)  Not more useful for higher classes.

                                          (1)  Questions should be brief and clear, correct structure.
                                          (2)  Questions should be mutual respect.
                                          (3)  Grade level of students and text - focus on the nature of the object must build queries.
                                          (4)  The language of the questions should be easy.
                                          (5)  Questions correctly and the sentences should be presented in a clear voice.
                                          (6)  Q is Middle Jokes also contributed.
                                          (7)  The questions should be evenly distributed in class.
                                          (8)  Yes/No or Suggestive Type questions is not to be used so far.
                                      Question system can be asked a variety of questions. They are being displayed through charts below—

                                                          Table  (Class-room questions)

                                             (Low level)            (Middle level)              (Higher level)

                                              (Memory)                                   (Analysis) (Synthesis) (Evaluation)

                                                                                                 Uniqueness Justification
                                                         (Translation) (Interpretation) (Application)
                                         (Memory) (Recognition)                                  (Originality) (Judgement)

                                                                                 (Inductive (Deductive      (Defence)
                                                                                 reasoning) reasoning)
                                                 (Medium of   (Mode of
                                                 expression)  expression)

                                              (Comparison)            (Explaining relationship)   situations)

                                           (Finding similarities)  (Explaining cause-effect relationship)

                                           (Finding differences)      (Explaining relationship
                                                                         with implications)
                                                                      (Explaining relationship
                                                                          with evidence)

                                      14. Role-acting or exemplary or ground handling policy (Role Playing)
                                      The performance of the method, which relates to the cognitive and social skills. The students’ interest,

                   58                               LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY

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