P. 269

fJekJh^25L :'iBkpZX f;Zfynk$fBod/P

                    9H eqwpZX gqrsh                10H T[Zgo'Ebh B/Vsk                            B'N
                   11H jZb ns/ T[guko             12H gqfsrkwh bVh
                   13H :'iBkpZX gkm^t;s{         14H ftfdnkoEh^fB:zsfos fBod/P.

                nZr/ fJZe^fJZe eoe/ fJjBK w{b sZsK dk ;zy/g toDB g/P ehsk ik fojk j?^
                (1) T[s/iB ns/ nB[fefonk (Stimulus and Response)^nfijh go;fEsh, xNBk iK ftnesh
                iK tksktoD ftZu gfotosB, i/eo ftfdnkoEhnK d/ fttjko ftZu th gfotosB fbnkT[Ad/ jB
                sK T[jBK B{z T[s/iB fejk iKdk j?.  T[s/iB fJZe ftP/P gqfefonk d/ bJh go;fEsh T[sgzB eodk
                j?.  :'iBkpZX fBod/P ftZu ftPk^t;s{ B{z S'N/^S'N/ gdK B{z soe nXkfos eqw ftZu g/P ehsk
                iKdk j?.  fJj jo/e S'N/^S'N/ gd T[s/iB dk ekoi eod/ jB ns/ fJj jh gd T[s/iB d/ o{g ftZu
                ftfdnkoEhnK  B{z  nB[fefonktK  eoB d/  bJh  (T[fus  go;fEsh  g?dk  eoe/)  fsnko  eod/  jB.
                ;jh T[s/iB ftfdnkoEhnK B{z T[fus ns/ ;jh nB[fefonktK eoB d/ bJh fBodPB gqdkB eodk
                j? ns/ BthB frnkB fdzdk j?.

                nB[fefonk (Response) „fttjko dh T[j fJekJh j? fijVh w[Pfeb fttjkoK dk fBowkD eodh
                j?.‟  nB[fefonk d/ fszB ekoi j[zd/ jB^1H ftfdnkoEh B{z nfXnB ftZu fsnko oZyDk, 2H BthB
                frnkB d/Dk ns/ 3H ;jh ;w/A s/ g[PNheoD gqdkB eoBk.  nB[fefonk, ;eoh fttjko dh fJekJh
                j[zdh j?.  „nB[fefonk, E'V/ iK g{oD o{g ftZu jo/e nrb/ gd d/ bJh T[s/iB dk ezw th eodh
                j?.‟  ftfdnkoEhnK dh ;jh nB[fefonk f;Zfynk B{z gqGktPkbh pDkT[D ftZu ;jkfJe pDkT[D
                ftzu ;jkfJe j[zdh j? ns/ rbs nB[fefonk f;Zfynk ftZu o[ektN j[zdh j?.

                T[s/iB  ns/  nB[fefonk  feT[Afe  ftfdnkoEh  d/  fttjko  gfotosB  ftZu  ;jkfJe  j[zd/  jB  ns/
                fttjko gfotosB jh fJZe soQK Bkb f;ybkJh j[zdh j?, fJ; bJh fJj d'jK :'iBkpZX fBod/P d/
                w{b sZe ej/ iKd/ jB.

                (2) fttjko ns/ fttjko bVh (Behaviour and Behaviour Repertoire)^fttjko s'A ;kvk Gkt
                j? T[jBK fefonktK s'A fijVhnK f;ybkJh T[d/PK B{z gqkgs eoB d/ bJh ftfdnkoEh eod/ jB.

                “Behaviour  is  the  total  response  of  the  organism  to  situations  of  life.    It  considers
                inner and overt behaviour and also combines the study of inner mental processes
                and other outer behaviour.”

                :'iBkpZX^fBod/PB d/ ;zdoG ftZu fttjko, T[s/iB^nB[fefonktK d/ ftP/P ;w{j B{z fejk iKdk
                j?.  nB[fefonk, fttjko dh fJZe :[fBN j?.  T[s/iB^nB[fefonk fwb e/ fttjkoK B{z ftef;s
                eodh j?.

                fttjko  bVh  (Behaviour  Repertoire)  T[j  bVh  j?,  fi;  ftZu  eJh  nB[fefonktK
                (Responses) fJZe ;w{j ftZu soe nXkfos ftXh Bkb ftt;fEs ehsh iKdh j?.

                ftfGzB soQK dhnK eJh fttjko bVhnK fwb e/ ftfdnkoEh dk fttjko fBoXkfos eodhnK jB.
                fttjko  bVh,  ftfdnkoEh  B{z  T[;  d/  r[D  iK  ftP/Psk  gqdkB  eodh  j?.    f;Zfynk  ;so  ftZu
                fttjko bVh fszB torK ftZu tzvhnK iKdhnK jB.  T[j jB^

                    (T)  ;ob  ftG/dheos  fttjko  bVh  (Simple  Discriminative  Repertoire)^fJ;  ftZu
                        ftfdnkoEh ;[szso sZsK, pkjoh t;s{nK iK go;fEshnK B{z gfjukDdk j?.
                    (n) eqwpZX fttjko bVh (Serial Repertoire)^fJ; ftZu eqwpZX o{g s'A nB[fefonk eodk
                    (J) ;t? Xkfosk fttjko bVh (Self Sustained Repertoire)^fJ; ftZu ;ob, ftG/dheoD
                        ns/  eqwpZX,  d'jK  soQK  dhnK  bVhnK  j[zdhnK  jB  gozs{  fJ;  ftZu  pkjoh  T[s/iBK  d/
                        ;EkBK s/, T[s/iB, ftfdnkoEh d/ nkgD/^nkg d/ fttjko Bkb (nzdo{Bh) T[sgzB ehsk
                        iKdk j?.

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