P. 272

Unit 11: Profit and Loss Prior to Incorporation

                       Liabilities                            Assets
           Sales capital 4,500 Shares of   100 each fully   4,50,000   Preliminary Expenses (These are to   8,000
           paid (including vendor’s shares)         be fully written off)
           Bank Overdraft                   1,65,000   Salaries and Wages      48,000
           Sundry Creditors                 65,000   Rent Received             13,000
           Fixed Deposit Received           35,000   Rent and Taxes            7,000
           Freehold Land at Cost            50,000   Repairs to Buildings      3,000
           Building at Cost                 1,30,000   Miscellaneous Expenditure   22,000
           Furniture & Fixtures at Cost     35,000   Directors’ fees           2,400
           Transport Vehicles at Cost       35,000   Interest of Vendors       17,500
           Stock-in-Trade on 1  January     4,20,000   Purchases               7,70,000
           Book Debits                      95,000   Sales                     9,10,000
           Cash in hand                     12,000   Goodwill                  3,100

          The Stock-in-Trade as on 31  December, 2010 amounted to   4,80,000.
          Bad debts amounting to   1,000 out of which   500 are related to book debts taken over by the
          company, have to be written off and a provision of   5,000 to be made for doubtful debtors as on
          31  December, 2010.
          Depreciation has to be written off: Building at 5%, Furniture and Fixtures at 10% and Transport
          Vehicles at 20%.
          You are required to prepare (a) a Profit and Loss Account for the year ending 31  December, 2010
          and to compute the profit prior to incorporation. For the purpose of determining the profit prior
          to  incorporation you should assume the turnover to be spread evenly over the year and (b)
          Balance Sheet as on 31  December, 2010.
                                   Trading  and Profit  & Loss  Account
                            of Ashoka  Limited for  the year  ending 31   Dec.  2010
                      Particulars                           Particulars
           To Opening Stock                  4,20,000   By Sales               9,10,000
           To Purchases                      7,70,000   By Closing Stock       4,80,000
           To Gross Profit                   2,00,000
                                            13,90,000                         13,90,000

                                 Pre-        Post-                Pre-incorpo-
               Particulars   incorporation    incorporation   Particulars   ration   incorpo-
                               period       period                 period      ration
          To Salaries (1:3)       12,000      36,000   By Gross       50,000   1,50,000
                                                      Profit b/d
          To Miscellaneous
          Exps. (1:3)             5,500       16,500    By Rent       3,250     9,750
          To Rates & Taxes (1:3)   1,750       5,250
          To Repairs to             750        2,250
          To Preliminary Exps.      —          8,000
          To Bad Debts              500         500
          To Provision for
          Doubtful                         LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY                                   265
          Debts                     —          5,000
          To Directors’ fees        —          2,400
          To Interest to Vendors   8,750       8,750
          To Depreciation:
          Building                6,500        1,500
          Furniture               7,000       15,000
          Vehicles                3,750       11,250
          To Capital Reserve      20,250
          To Net Profit                       63,850
                                  53,250     1,59,750                53,250   1,59,750
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